Top 5 Reasons October 30 was the bomb:
1) Aggie basketball game.
2) Hocus Pocus.
3) Ninja Destruction.
4) Hillary Clinton.
5) The Scorpion King... 2.
Let me explain.
1) One of the best things about USU is their basketball team and the basketball games. Friday was our first home preseason game, and let me just say that it was awesome. Super coolness spewed out of the crowd as we sung the Scotsman and the school song. I love basketball. I can't play worth crap, but I sure as heck love watching it. The Jazz are my favorite team (of course!), and now the Aggies are my second-favorite. I just can't wait until the season starts... mwahah it'll be crazy awesome.
2) After the game, Rene hosted a Hocus Pocus and hot chocolate party. An awesome formation of couches surrounded the TV and behind there was a table full of many different kinds of hot cocoa. We made our cocoa and claimed our couches, laughing along with the movie. I love Hocus Pocus- it is the Halloween classic. I think I've watched it almost every year come Halloween time. I always pick to be Sarah the witch, of course! Because skanky and blonde fits me perfectly, right?

4) Okay, when I say Hillary Clinton, I don't mean THE Hillary Clinton. We were walking Christine back to her apartment at the LLC and we decided to play Ninja Destruction along the way. One round we were standing underneath the light post in the crossing of walkways (keep in mind it's about 1:30-2:00 a.m.) and doing our good ol' Ninja moves. Suddenly a figure runs up to us and asks to play. Guess what they're wearing? Yep, a Hillary Clinton mask. The static, smiling rubber face of Hillary Clinton acting as a Ninja was enough to put chills down my spine. It was slightly eerie watching them, actually. I did laugh the whole time though, mostly because the mask was both creepy and ridiculously hilarious. Soon after Hillary walked away, we heard a loud yell across the way: "This mask is so HOT! AHHHH! I can't breathe!" In the which Chris replied by saying, "Funny how ironic that is, because Hillary Clinton is not attractive at all."
5) We slinked back to our apartment and saw Rene standing outside on his balcony. It was 2:30 am. We couldn't really figure out why he was just standing there, but he invited us to go and watch the Scorpion King 2 with him. None of us had seen the Scorpion King 1, but we did anyways. It was a ridiculous movie... not that great. But it was fun watching it, mostly because none of us were tired enough to go to bed, and we were still pumped to go do something.
I went to bed at 4:30. Wow.
If Halloween is half as fun as Halloween Eve, then I'm in for a treat.