
Batman Ink Sketches

I absolutely love this. It is the perfect blend of movie culture and art. 
(Christopher Nolan + Batman + Joseph Gordon-Levitt + Tom Hardy = Love.)

I like it set up in the grid.


ze last week

Well, 'tis the end of summer.

Since I'm not going back to school for, oh, about two years, summer lives on for me. At least until I leave. Now I'll just go to work and sit next to my secret lover.
If you haven't seen it on the Facebook yet, I'm done with my mission papers (except for some odd dealio with my dental records and how my bishop hasn't gotten them but we'll figure it out tomorrow...) I've got 2-4 weeks until I get my call. You can throw out guesses now, but I was going to do that later.

Also, I got a smartphone. A real smart decision since I could be leaving in the next 2-5 months, right? Now I don't have my terrible programmed-in-the-early-90's excuse for a phone anymore. Besides, now I can HeyTell Kyle because we all know he'll forget his friends from the Ville and never keep in contact with us.

I went shooting this week for the first time ever. It was the first gun I ever shot ever ever shot ever... ever. And it was a shotgun of all things. It was super fun, even if I couldn't aim a shotgun worth beans (the rifle was my favorite). The scariest part was when I was up the mountainside putting up more targets and Leslie got impatient and kept yelling "Cease-fire is ovah!" Now if you don't know Leslie, that is possibly the scariest situation you could be in with her. Because we all know she would've shot me if I had taken another 20 seconds (I booked it down the mountain).

We also had a non-birthday birthday party for Kim and Kyle on Thursday. Kyle refused to admit it was a birthday party, even though there were pinatas. We basically spent all night eating meat and throwing tomahawks. Also, we used the tomahawks to break the pinata in the fashion of a reverse egg toss (meaning we started from far back and moved closer). There was a spear that we attempted to break the pinata with, which was absolutely entertaining to watch and ridiculous to throw.

Friday was girl's night out in which we went clubbing. I'd never been to the place before, but everyone said it was pretty cool, however; earlier that evening there was midget wrestling, which meant that it was all the... erm, beautiful, white trash was there. We had a good time nonetheless.
... no, not that kind of clubbing. Dancing.

And yesterday I went to a picnic/talent show that some of my friends put on. I ate so much. Including an entire grilled bloomin' onion, courtesy of Eric.

That was the last week of summer.
FOR YOU (well, most of you).

PS, I owe a follow up on the last post. My test results came back and they were all normal, so I'm in the clear. Holla.



I don't usually post stuff like this, but I definitely wanted to. One of my new favorites. I bet you can't guess why. Also, there aren't many versions online, but this one is pretty good.

 Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise

Let Zion in her beauty rise;
Her light begins to shine.
Ere long her King will rend the skies,
Majestic and divine,
The gospel spreading thru the land,
A people to prepare
To meet the Lord and Enoch’s band
Triumphant in the air.

Ye heralds, sound the golden trump
To earth’s remotest bound.
Go spread the news from pole to pole
In all the nations round:
That Jesus in the clouds above,
With hosts of angels too,
Will soon appear, his Saints to save,
His enemies subdue.

That glorious rest will then commence
Which prophets did foretell,
When Saints will reign with Christ on earth,
And in his presence dwell
A thousand years, oh, glorious day!
Dear Lord, prepare my heart
To stand with thee on Zion’s mount
And nevermore to part.


Let's Get a Physical, Physical

*sigh of relief*

I just realized that I was gone from 8:45 am until 12:10 am unintentionally. After work today I had to get a physical because, well, look at this:

Yeah, I'm almost done with my papers.

I checked into the Doctor's office when I had the good idea to look through all the medical papers I printed off. It seemed kind of odd that there was no place for the doctor to sign, then a thought crept into my mind:  I missed something. It turns out that I forgot the section of papers that was most important. I had a mini internal panic attack. Maybe it wasn't so internal, because the receptionist saw my distress and eventually led me to the back room and let me log in to print them off.

Next I went to the lab. They took my blood. They asked for a urine sample, in which I regretted my decision to go to the bathroom 30 minutes prior. I'm not overly fond of urine samples.

My nurse was really cool. Her name is Kim, and she had bright purple nails to match her scrubs. She gave me an injection to test for tuberculosis and checked my hearing and sight. Later on I got a tetanus shot, which is starting to affect my motor skills. By the way, I have excellent blood pressure.

Even though the last time I saw this particular doctor was when he snapped my broken arm back in place when I was eight, I still think he's super awesome. He's Japanese-American and for some reason that makes him more trustworthy to me. Talking with him confirmed that my insomnia is going to be the biggest challenge on my mission. Oh the joy, right?

Now as I understand, a gal's physical is much less... intense than a guy's physical (as long as we're talking no pap smear/mammogram). Well I'm not a guy, but it wasn't so bad. The potentially most awkward part was when I got a breast exam, but I didn't feel weird. Except it was almost ticklish. Because I know you're all dying to know that. However, the doctor did find a lump and I'm going in for an ultrasound on Thursday. Normally they tell you it's not a big deal and that it happens to a lot of people (including my brother), but since my family tree is riddled with breast cancer, it isn't to be ignored. When I called my mom, I could almost hear her nerves unravel.

The rest of the day I spent in celebration of Petey's birthday (and International Left-Handed Day-- I had to throw that in). 'Twas fabulous. Also, I ate at Macaroni Grill for the first time and we had an attractive waiter.

Well, I have to work in the morning. G'night!


the routine catch-up post

I've been told by Jenna (who was told by Lori) that I don't blog enough. To which my response is: my life is not exciting enough. And the fact that I pretty much do the same thing almost every day. Except today I changed shifts/positions at work, so that'll be something new.

A recap of the past month is in order, I shpose.

I turned 21. I got my big girl license. I look the same when I was 16, except better hair, better makeup, and a fatter face. Cheeyaw.

Yes, I have a job. Yes, it's technically a phone job, but it really is quite excellent. I switched types of calling from calling reg'lr folk to businesses. It comes with a pay raise and bonuses, that's why.

I went on a date. For those of you who don't know, it's not a common occurrence for me. The unusual thing was that it didn't fit the usual criteria of a) I already know them or b) it was a blind date.

I finally got that garsh darn gym pass. Now I lift weights, because as I've discovered, cardio literally makes me more anxious.

My bedroom is nicknamed "the closet" because of it's spacious allowance.

We only have three cats now: Cocoa Puff, Uncle Stripes/Stripey, and Hulk.

My brother and I are the same person, just different genders. I have had the pleasure of working with my brother for the past two months, and everyone is always surprised to find out that 1) I'm older than him (which is slightly insulting?) and 2) we're not the only kids in my family.

I decided, mostly through observation, that my family would be the first to die in case of an accident or zombie apocalypse. Almost all of our initial reactions to situations are "I'd rather kill myself than [insert survival skill]." Watching The Hunger Games, Memento, and even the Olympics only solidifies my theory.
(ex: Mark: "I'd rather die than try to solve a murder with short-term memory loss.")

I may possibly be able to get my mission call within the next 3-4 weeks.

My wisdom teeth are coming out in September. The day before the Top of Utah Marathon, which I was planning on going up to cheer on my friends. I'm still planning on going, but I am unsure whether I'll be coherent/conscious.

Today turned sour really quickly, but I'm not in a bad mood. I thought I'd basically sold my contract to this girl, but she ended up backing out this morning because the office didn't send her the contract papers and she is worried about management. Long, long story short, but now it's... making my life extremely difficult.

I quite love the Olympics. And as Petey said, the humble athletes are always the most admirable ones.

Another reason Twitter is my favorite social networking site: