First thing... Melanie, Jenna, and I went to the library on Wednesday night and reserved a study room. Being as productive as we are, we ended up watching this super, super, super amazing video.
I immediately was sucked into the amazingness of it, and demanded to watch it again. Too bad the library was closing...
So the library closes at midnight on weekdays, and at 11:45, in order to get rid of pesky students, the library staff shuts half the lights off and throws on some music. When the lights shut off, we eagerly burst out of our study room and waited for the music. We heard creepy noises and creaking sounds and then...
We squealed with delight and began to dance the entire way out of the library. The best part was when a staff member walked up the stairs and said, "I was hoping somebody would do that when I chose this song..."EPIC, I'd say.
The three of us then stayed up until about 3 a.m. repeatedly listening to the aforementioned song until we were in a delusional, hypnotized state.
We stopped at a gas station to vacuum out Jenna's car, and after trying to find just one more quarter, Jenna finally came up with enough money to pay for the stupid vacuum. As I was sitting in the passenger's seat, I was attacked with loud sucking device while Jenna yelled, "Clean! Clean!"
(Group picture of Red-Handed Mel, Captain Crunch, Pirate Jane, and Seruh Sparrow)
Today was Tara's almost-21st-birthday party. I bought her Edward Cullen Sweethearts, Vienna Sausages, Ferrero Rocher and I gave her an owl card. Jenna's highlight presents were the Jonas Brother's hair kit and a Henna & Placenta Hair Mask. It never says which animal the placenta is from...
We blindfolded Tara and told her we would take her out for a "nice dinner." Watching her walk down the stairs was probably the most entertaining thing ever. We dizzied her up and brought her to none other than.. (drum roll, please...) Arby's! She was delighted, mainly because Arby's is her favorite food place. We returned back to Melanie, Jenna, and Tara's apartment after Melanie decorated Tara's room with balloons, bubbles, and streamers. The look on her face when she opened the Henna & Placenta Hair Mask was superb.
We dressed up as birthday pirates and made lots of noise with our annoying noise-makers. We decided that one day we should record a CD and give all the proceeds to Haiti.
(The noisy dealios)
Jenna tried vacuuming her apartment and was alarmed to smell a burning stench being emitted from the vacuum. We tried as hard as we could to get rid of the scent for fear of setting off the smoke alarm. It turns out she vacuumed up a sock. We're not sure how, but we're blaming it on half-vision due to a pirate patch.
Now I am back in the library, eating candy and watching the guys draw mathematically-correct pictures of Mickey Mouse and integrals.
(Pirate patch and nose ring)
Wow, Mace. You should totally get a nose-ring. Permanently.
thats awesome... you know the black guy in the movie Niel DeGrasse Tyson... He came to BYU and spoke... it was really cool! I'm glad you're not fake depressed anymore...
That is way awesome! :) Sounds like a fantastic day!
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