
things i hate.

I hate those stupid Progressive commercials. First of all, the woman is unsightly. Her makeup coupled with the awful poof hair just makes me cringe. Secondly, the commercials are just annoying. Probably because of the woman's obnoxious voice coupled with her unsightly looks. Thirdly, they're just stupid. AGH. I hate those commercials- radio and television.

I also extremely dislike (hate) Aeropostale. The only time it's acceptable to shop there is when you're in 9th grade or younger and you have acquired serious brain damage. Other than that, you should never shop there, unless you want to look stupid and you want me to scowl at you.

I hate going to every store in the mall to find a stupid belt. Why don't stores carry simple, non-expensive belts? I thought an item that was commonly worn would be commonly found. Boy, was I wrong. The closest I came to finding a belt I wanted was at Wet Seal. Too bad it was in size -2, so you could only wear it if you had negative mass or something.

I hate packing. First of all, you have to take about half of what you want to take, which leaves you with three shirts, two pairs of pants and some shoes. You also have to limit yourself to less than 44lbs, because of the weight limit and the fact that you're probably going to bring stuff back. I've never been an over-packer, but I still hate the process of packing.
I also hate the fact that I don't have a backpack camera case. I have to take my ridiculous camera case and stuff it inside my carry on backpack, leaving little room for headphones, coloring books or something to keep me occupied on a stupid plane ride.

I hate the phrase "quick drying towel." Because I can't find one. The closest thing I got was a Sham Wow. I don't want a Sham Wow. BLAGH.

I hate being stressed about vacation. But I guess the bright side is that I'M GOING ON VACATION.



Arlene said...

I think this is in my top 5 of favorite Sarahisms.

Camera backpacks at Amazon - good deals! For next time. :/

Sham Wow hair towel. hahahahahaha I might have to try one of mine and see how that works.

Have the BEST vacation. You SO deserve it!!!!

Tairsa said...

Good luck Sarah! I am going to miss you! You are going to have a blast. I want to hear all about it!

Kelsey said...

I like this post. It reminds me of me.