

Oh Twitter, thou art truly my favorite social networking site.


Abed is Batman now

You probably already saw this on Facebook, but I couldn't resist.
I mean, it's Batman and Community (it comes from a reference in the first season).

Batman.... and Community

I only wish there was a Jeff Winger poster.

The main reason I'm posting this is because The Dark Knight Rises comes out this Friday.


July 11

So many meaningless things to mention.

I got a few of my siblings addicted to Breaking Bad. Even my brother-in-law is watching it now. And season 5 airs next week, so then I'll be frequenting Hulu on Monday mornings...

I went shopping for two hours the other day. Cash in wallet and wanting to buy, I left for the mall. Well, I didn't buy anything. Not until I stopped by JC Penny in the other mall and bought a pair of cream Oxfords that were 75% off. I realize now that I don't enjoy shopping for three reasons: 1) there are no modest clothes, 2) the clothes are frilly and lacy, and 3) I would much rather spend my money elsewhere.

Flirting! Oh, flirting with smartphones. My bro got his new phone this week and I was going to get his old phone. Well, after a long kerfuffle with Verizon and calling customer service back and forth and visiting their store, it has been determined that my relationship with a smartphone shall not start until next month. In which I can get any phone that I can pay for.

My work is pretty awesome. There are some downs, of course, but it's really an awesome place. For example, Team Last Week (which was my team a few weeks ago) won a three-day competition. Our prize is to watch a movie on Friday (with popcorn!) during work. I approve. I also won $25 from work a few weeks ago. Even my coworkers are awesome and I love my supervisors. It be bueno.

I met some really cool people yesterday at a Crepe party. I even got to talk to a few of them about photography and film, and the coolest kid and I geeked out about New York for a while.

Today I had french toast for lunch. I haven't really eaten french toast since I was in 9th grade because my mom made it so much that I hated it. But today I ate it. And I liked it.

The Dark Knight Rises comes out next Friday. LIKEOHMIGAWSH. So excited. Words... cannot... describe... error. Error.



Can I marry this man, please?