

Weekends generally aren't fun for me.
I work and then spend the rest of the day alone.

Today is even worse.
Because it's Halloween and I don't have anything to do.

Now pity me!


Apology Note.

Dear Roommates,

I'm sorry for humming "Bad Romance" every morning and getting it stuck in your heads for the rest of the day.
Also, I'm sorry roommates, neighbors, and mostly myself, for setting Melanie's phone alarm to the loudest, most annoying telephone ring possible in hopes of her not sleeping through class anymore. I'm sorry it went off every morning at 6:00 am and repeated itself for an hour and woke everyone up except Melanie. I truly am sorry.


Poll results for the week of 10/12:

Favorite Session of Conference?
  • Saturday Morning------------- 1 (25%)
  • Saturday Afternoon----------- 0
  • Priesthood-------------------- 0
  • Sunday Morning-------------- 2 (50%)
  • Sunday Afternoon------------- 1 (25%)
  • Relief Society Broadcast------- 0

Okay, okay, it was kind of a cop-out poll. But for all 4 of you who participated, thanks. And I'm thanking myself here...
I haven't listened to all the talks, but I thoroughly enjoyed President Uchtdorf's talk. Not only is he funny, but he's German (which makes him super cool). The one that touched me the most was actually Jeffrey R. Holland's talk. He said, "In whatever country you live, however young or inadequate you feel, or however aged or limited you see yourself as being, I testify you are individually loved of God, you are central to the meaning of His work, and you are cherished and prayed for by the presiding officers of His Church. The personal value, the sacred splendor of every one of you, is the very reason there is a plan for salvation and exaltation. Contrary to the parlance of the day, this is about you." I absolutely loved it. So... you should go read/listen/watch their talks and all the other talks here.

And a *slight* contrast from the poll above...

Lady Gaga vs Katy Perry (All aspects- music, videos, fashion, politics, etc)

Lady Gaga ------------ 4 (57%)
Katy Perry------------------- 0
Both--------------------1 (14%)
Neither-----------------2 (28%)
Say Who?---------------------0

Excellent, excellent. I'm glad that people at least know who these two women are, especially Lady Gaga. It's hard to avoid her in the media, considering her involvement to get rid of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, plus her crazy fashion choices. Oh yeah, and her music.

I would definitely vote Lady Gaga, all the way. Not only is she listed as #7 on Forbes "Most Powerful Women" list, she has some pretty excellent songs. They're not exactly deep, soulful songs, but she has complete creative control of every aspect of her career. She writes her own lyrics and music, choreographs her own music videos, and designs her outfits. I am not going to suggest her music videos because they are a bit risqué. I do enjoy them, however.

Katy Perry, on the other hand, is more of a pin-up type girl who loves dressing in tight latex and girly things. Other people write her songs and choreograph her videos, so to me she's not as creative. She may not push the boundaries like Lady Gaga does, but she definitely lacks in personal creativity.

My Favorite Lady Gaga songs:
  • Bad Romance
  • Telephone
  • Alejandro (I used to hate this one)
  • Starstruck



"Hey, how are you?"
"Good. How about you?"
"Well see ya later!"

So boring.
Such a boring conversation.

And good? Good? What does good even mean?
Good = "I stayed up until 3:00 am writing a stupid physics paper and I had to wake up at 6:30 am."
Good = "My cat died."
Good = "I don't really want to talk to you, so I'll give you a vague, meaningless answer as to how I am."
Good = "This day is actually going quite well, but my personal religion doesn't believe in using synonyms of any kind, so I'll just keep it simple and say good."
Good = "You're awkward and I have to keep this conversation as short as possible before I go nuts."
Good = "I have explosive diarrhea."

Blah. The word "good" sucks. Please don't use it.

A year or so ago I told myself that I when someone asked me how I was doing, I wouldn't answer "good." I was going to actually answer the question, or if not, I would just use a better word.

Here are some common substitutions that I use instead of "good:"
  • Fantastic
  • Spiffy
  • Excellent
  • Swell
  • Spiffy
  • Groovy
  • Rad
  • Spectacular
  • Nifty
  • Tired
(I learned to say groovy, rad and swell from my Dad)

I went on dictionary.com and looked up synonyms for the word "good." Here are just a few...

Acceptable, admirable, bad, congenial, exceptional, first-class, gnarly, great, marvelous, prime, rad, shipshape, splendid, sterling, stupendous, super, superb, superior, tip-top, and wonderful.

Now don't ever use the word "good" again.

So... how are you?


Logan: Fall 2010

A lovely fall hike up to the Wind Caves.

I'm not terribly good at scenery pictures, but I do love fall colors.


USU prevails


I looked forward to this day for a month.
Not because it was a football game, but mostly because I needed a moment of socializing and fun in my otherwise predictable, boring schedule. And we were playing BYU.

Some people slept out on the Quad overnight to get a wristband to go to the game at 3:00. I don't really know why, considering you could just show up at 5:00 and get a good seat anyway.

The excitement on campus swelled throughout the day. It seemed as if everyone asked everyone if they were going. Most people responded with "well of course!" while the others would look down at their feet, shift their weight and mumble a lame excuse as to why they couldn't make it to the game.

I managed to find a premium seat next to the wonderful Trevor forever and waited in the boiling sun for the game to start. Everything, absolutely everything was blue.
It makes sense, considering Aggie Blue and BYU blue are quite similar, you know.

*cough* USU blue is better *cough*
I did rather enjoy the halftime show of a combined Aggie/Cougar marching band playing "God Bless America."

I won't go through the actual details of the game, but I must say it was fantastic being in the crowd.We have a pathetic football team . It's a fact. We've been crummy for years now (but we are getting better!).

{The fact that we were
creaming a disliked rival was so exhilarating- so intoxicating. The more the game went on, the louder we got. The more we cheered. The more we jumped and high-fived.}

It's every Aggie's dream to pulverize BYU, and every second the game neared the end, a realization that it was actually going to happen was bubbling inside each of us, waiting to explode.

Unfortunately in the 4th quarter, the Cougars managed to slip in another two touchdowns. At that point though, no one cared. I wish they would've stayed at 3 points, because 31-3 just looks really good for us. And really bad for them.

The last 30 seconds was the longest of our lives. We rushed down to the field and impatiently screamed and jumped around the sidelines while the final few seconds dragged on (see video above)

3...2...1... BUZZ!

Without hesitation, a swarm of Aggies rushed the field, hollering and leaping whilst running towards our team in the middle. Even though I was screaming at the top of my lungs, I could barely hear myself.
We watched as the BYU fans hid their heads in shame as they tried to exit the stadium without anyone mocking them.

[[ Then we sang the Scotsman ]]
(which, if you don't know, is the big song here at USU).

We won.
We won.
We won!
We beat BYU.
We beat BYU?!

It doesn't matter if BYU fans say they have a crappy team this year. Our super crappy team beat your crappy team and we're proud of it. It doesn't matter if we lose every other game this year (football, at least).
It's been 17 years.
We love it.
And we won't forget it.
