

Thanks for letting me slack, folks.

I have poll results! Or as Kelsey calls them, "resluts."
Speaking of Kelsey... these are the poll resluts from two weeks ago.

"Kelsey Barker is:"
Fat - 88%
Not Fat - 12%

As we can all see, Kelsey should lose some weight.
So Kelsey, Go on the Biggest Loser before you have a heart attack.

Also! My favorite poll to date (considering I've only had like... 3) was

"The Best 30 Rock Character?*"

  • Jack Donaghy--------------------- 3 (30%)
  • Liz Lemon-------------------------6 (60%)
  • Kenneth Parcell--------------------8 (80%)
  • Tracy Jordan----------------------1 (10%)
  • Jenna Maroney--------------------2 (20%)
  • Pete Hornburger------------------2 (20%)
  • Wesley----------------------------3 (30%)
  • Frank-----------------------------1 (10%)
  • Lutz-------------------------------1 (10%)
  • Toofer-----------------------------1 (10%)
  • Carol (pilot)-----------------------2 (20%)
  • Someone Else------------------0 (0%-duh)
  • I have never watched 30 Rock :(---1(10%)

Your results are pretty awesome, peoples who voted.
Obviously Kenneth is the most fabulous (he's the guy who I have a picture of in my previous post), and rightly so.
He really is hilarious.

My personal favorites are Liz Lemon, Jack Donaghy, Kenneth, Wesley (I hope he appears in future episodes) and now Carol!
I'm so glad Matt Damon is in the show now, and hopefully he'll stay.
Because he's fabulous.

You should definitely watch 30 Rock.

*For those wondering, it was a multiple-answer quiz, so the numbers AREN'T all screwy.


How did I manage to eat almost a whole loaf of Apple Cinnamon bread in less than 24 hours?!

It's so good....

30 Rock
Season 5 Premiere tonight at 7:30 on NBC!

Watch it.
Watch it.
Watch it.


A Friend of the Program for 4 (or 5) years

Another reason that BYU is really missing out on life...

They won't let X96 Radio From Hell do a live show on campus.
It's not like they really wanted to go anyways, they just asked BYU to appear as if they cared.

But for real....
x96 Radio From Hell! Live on campus! Yes, this happened last Monday to kick off their Univeristy Tour, and yes, I'm slow to blog about it.
But that doesn't make it any less awesome.

I've been listening to this radio show for almost 4-5 years (I can never quite figure it out), and I love it to death. I listened to them as I got ready in the morning and drove to high school. Sadly, the reception in Logan isn't very good, so I have to stream them online when I want to hear their lovely voices. But it's totally worth it.
I love the show.

They have some fantastic segments, including:
  • "Boner of the Day" (Boner means mistake) - Bad, stupid or funny human behavior.
  • "Jake of the Web with Time Wasters at Work"- This is basically just a bunch of random websites that suck you in.
  • "Things That Must Go"- This consists of a list of actions, objects or ANYTHING that the world would be better would out.
  • "Celebutard News"- Celebrity news. They don't really care that much, so they just hate on celebrities.
  • "Ask A ____" - This feature involves Kerry, Bill and Gina and everyone else asking a profession about their job. (Example: Ask a garbageman, as a Mayor, ask... anyone)
  • "Big Boy News and Oppinuendo"- Local, national and all sorts of news. Plus the opinions of listeners and what not.
  • "Hello, Yeah, What?" - You call and ask or say anything. But this is not stupid.
This list doesn't do the show justice.
Nope, not at all.

But honestly, you should listen to this show. It's hilarious. But maybe you shouldn't if you're really sensitive or you get offended easily or something.

Kerry, Bill, and Gina.

[[You're the best]]

This is Gina and Bill. Bill is my favorite of the three, mostly because he's funny, sarcastic and he adds so much to the show.
Gina gets picked on a lot, but her comments are always funny and loved. Plus, she's gorgeous.

On the left is Kerry, who does all the sound drops and background music during Radio From Hell. He and my uncle were friends in high school and college, and he still owes my uncle $10. I told Kerry that, and he gave me $3 and an I.O.U. note to give to my uncle.



The Physics club had their opening social the other day, and it was pretty entertaining. I missed the free pizza (which is why half the people went in the first place), but I did get unofficial Sub-Zero ice cream. Meaning they poured liquid nitrogen into a bowl of strawberries and cream and stirred it up until it froze. Good stuff, good stuff.

Above: They did the traditional balloon-full-of-a-mystery gas vs. fire that explodes demo, but it still made me jump. It makes me jump every time.

This is a small Newtonian pool. It basically means that if you walk on the surface really fast, then you can "walk on water." If you stop walking, you'll sink to the bottom and have a hard time getting out.

It's a lot of corn starch and water (I think). Fun stuff!

Sorry this picture is crappy, but I liked how this random kid filled a Ziploc bag full of Kool-Aid and poured liquid nitrogen in. It kinda looked like a bad idea.


I know I'm not very good at physics. I completely bombed the AP Physics test. But my physics class up here is phenomenal- I love it to death. My professor, Shane Larson is absolutely hilarious. He is super loud, super sci-fi nerdy (Star Wars), and he really gets everyone involved. He wants everyone to gain a love (or at least appreciation) for the subject, even if it means throwing his $200 textbook as high up in the air as possible and letting it crash down to the earth.
We applauded.
Also, in order to demonstrate vector properties, he procured a small R2D2 from his pocket and had us point to it at various locations. I just really like how he had a lego R2D2 in his pocket. The best part is that he is really loud. Really really loud. He's in one of the biggest classrooms and he is nowhere near in need of a mic. I am glad I finally got a super entertaining professor, it makes my day so much better.



In lieu of the recent rain, there has obviously been an influx of umbrellas. Because of the wide variety of umbrellas out there, I couldn't help but evaluate each person and their umbrella and come to some sort of conclusion about their personality. Or way of life.
But now I would like to share what I think your umbrella says about you.

What Your Umbrella Says About You, According to Sarah:

Plain old black- This could mean one of two things. 1) You are a secret agent/spy and you prefer to blend into large crowds due to your nature of work. 2) You are boring and cheap, considering a lot of plain black umbrellas are sold at dollar stores nationwide.

No Umbrella- 1) You are unprepared. 2) You are lazy. 3) You are a rebel.

Beige/Tan- This is the most boring color ever. At least white is classy. Tan/Beige just is boring. So, if you have a beige/tan umbrella, then you are a horribly boring person. Also, if your skin also happens to be that color, it sends me the message that you wish you were invisible, or you wish you could hide behind that umbrella forever. You are boring.

- If you have a see-through umbrella, then you must be paranoid. It seems like you must be afraid of people sneaking up behind you and stabbing you with their umbrellas. You are still scared of the Boogeyman, and you have yet to overcome your childhood fears.

Red/Orange- Having an umbrella this color probably means you have a strong personality and you either like bold, aggressive colors (red) or eye-irritating colors (orange). You also might like blood, but I am not terribly sure about that...

Yellow- When I see a person with a yellow umbrella, I get the impression that the person holding the said umbrella is happy, cheerful, and lovely to be around. And since I am always right, it does mean that they are happy, cheerful, and pleasant. And they should be my friend.

That really neon color used in crossing guard vests- This says, "Hey! I like attention! Even if it means hurting your brain because this color is SO BRIGHT." Because this color is the most noticeable to the human eye, your sight will immediately be drawn to this ostentatious bumbershoot. This may not be a good thing. People using this color of umbrella should cease immediately.

Plain old blue- A person with this umbrella color probably is poor or just plain old cheap, but they are also a little conservative (or possibly dull) in their outward presentation. They may be an awesome person (such as myself), or they might be quite dull (such as... not myself). With this umbrella, you could sneak around in a crowd and become lost forever.

Rainbow- To some people in this world, if you carried a rainbow umbrella you might be considered gay. Not to me, not to me. Having a rainbow rain-shielding device says to me that you really appreciate the full visible color spectrum. Thanks for liking every color and not discriminating against the lesser colors, rainbow umbrella person.

Polka Dot- A polka dot umbrella can either mean you are really girly or you're really crafty. Or possibly both. If you have this umbrella, you might actually like scrapbooking, which in turn would mean you actually like wasting money on fancy paper. Also, a red polka dot umbrella could show an intense love for Minnie Mouse.

Design- So this category is a little broad, but I don't really want to go through a million different designs you could have on an umbrella. So...
  • Having a comic book/superhero/fictional character on your umbrella is really cool. It says to me that you still love your kid cartoons, sci-fi movies and/or you're just a nerd. Basically, you're like most of the kids on MLIA, and you're like me. Having an umbrella with Batman, Iron Man, Darth Vader, Spock, or any Harry Potter character means you're cool. It's pretty simple.
  • If you have a picture of Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber on your umbrella, you suck. Even if you're 10 years old, you still suck.
  • If you have an umbrella littered with kittens (pun intended), then you probably convey a crazy, psycho, will-be-alone-for-the-rest-of-your-life, and fanatic personality. If you have a cat umbrella, you're immediately my best friend.
  • If you have a dog umbrella, it means you enjoy dealing with nasty, slobbery things. You might be outspoken and relatively socially acceptable, and you may even be fun, but if you have a dog umbrella, you will not be my friend.
  • If you have an umbrella with any other pattern or design (besides skull and crossbones), you might be an exciting person who doesn't want to scream out their awesomeness. You would rather just hint at how rad you are.
  • If you have a skull and crossbones umbrella, you might consider yourself a rebel, even though you are a pretty lame rebel. You might act punk or emo, but you're not. You're a poser. Boo.

Bonus! Types of umbrellas:

Wagasa Umbrella- If you have one of these in the rain, you could either be a tourist that is a little confused about the precipitation, or you could just want to ruin your lovely paper umbrella. If you try to use one of these, you're probably not that bright, or you probably care more about fashion and looks than functionality.

Sword umbrella- You are probably a very dangerous person, but not dangerous enough to hide a gun in that parasol. You could also be a secret agent (if it's black, remember), and a dangerous one at that. There is also a very small possibility that you are psychopathic and you might need therapy. Just sayin'.

Drink Umbrella- If you are trying to use a drink umbrella as a real umbrella, you should check yourself in to the stupid clinic. Because that's just stupid. If you are currently using a drink umbrella for its intended purpose, then you are either 1) having a delicious drink, 2) in paradise, or 3) both. This means that you are relaxed, fun and exciting. You might even be really tan!

Be Warned: If you see someone with an overly large umbrella, gumboots, waterproof pants and a really thick raincoat, they are actually a witch trying not to melt in the water. Beware!


Sweat and Blood

The Blood Battle.
This week.
at USU.

But I'm not here to try and talk to you about the joys of donating or to try and get you to willfully rid yourself of that warm, red stuff in your veins.
I just want to tell you that I feel like I almost died in my Chemistry class today because of it.

I've donated before. Quite a few times, actually. I've tried to donate as frequently as possible since I turned 17 (you're welcome, society), so it's not like it's completely new to me. But every single time I've donated in the past, I've been perfectly fine. I repeat, perfectly fine.
This time Melanie and I prepared by drinking loads and loads of water the day of and the day before. I drank so much I was basically almost wetting myself every 30 minutes.
Melanie and I waited on the couches, very slowly moving up in line. We attempted to watch the Brian Regan that the school put on for us, but I think you had to be sitting within 6.2 inches of the speakers to hear the tv. After finally getting to the back where they checked my hemoglobin levels and information, I was all set up to donate.

I think drinking loads of water did the exact opposite of what it was supposed to for me. Instead of making my blood run faster, I think it just thickened my blood to molasses. Not to mention my heart can't part with it's precious erythrocytes, so it tries to hold every last cell inside me, even if it means me sitting for 19 minutes waiting for a freaking pint to trickle full.

I'll get to the point. Mel and I went back to our dorm. I ate food, she ate food. I then went to my Organic Chemistry class. There were about 200 students crammed into a cramped, poorly ventilated room. POORLY VENTILATED. I managed to slip into a small, empty desk and start taking notes. I could feel the lack of fresh air in the room, and I could also feel the room getting warmer and warmer. At almost exactly half an hour into the class, I suddenly felt extremely dizzy. My sight narrowed with a black ring appearing around the outside of my vision. My sight even went a little blurry. I felt like passing out was mere moments away, and along with that, I could feel my stomach ready to regurgitate the Nutter Butters, juice, peanut butter and jelly, pretzels and applesauce I had eaten throughout the day.

I closed my eyes. I propped my head on my hand. It was a little better, but every time I'd sneak a little light into my retinas I'd get insanely dizzy again. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, this strange, indescribable feeling overcame my entire body. I can't say it was a burning sensation. I can't say it was tingly. I just can't describe it. But was a constant, strange feeling everywhere, and suddenly I was really cold. The feeling persisted, then I got really really hot. I just waited and held all the oxygen in my lungs as I nearly charred to a crisp from the inside out. The feeling abruptly halted, and all extreme warmth that I had been feeling ceased immediately. I waited for a second. I opened my eyes. I didn't feel dizzy anymore. Good, good. I felt good.

Except for the fact that I had cold sweat everywhere. And I mean everywhere. My forehead was dripping with sweat. My arms were drenched. This sounds nasty, but it even soaked through my shirt. This was all in a matter of a minute or two! I tried to inconspicuously wipe loads of icy sweat off my skin, but I really don't think you can be subtle when you're trying to hide gallons of perspiration. Nope, I don't think so.

The end of class was a welcome time. I drank some water and slowly headed back to my apartment, weakly walking down the stairs, afraid of actually passing out while in foot transit. As soon as I got to my dorm, I took a nice long nap. So nice. Except when I woke up a few hours later and stood up, my vision went completely black. I waited while my roommate told me I looked quite pale. Great.

But I feel good now! And I'll donate again. And so should you.