
Le New Camera.

I was going to write a post, but my computer went all wonky and my brother was just fixing it for the better part of an hour. So I'll just say this: I got my new camera today.

When I got my mission call, I was informed that I am not allowed to bring my big camera on my mission (to prevent it getting stolen and from looking like a tourist). So a really intense internal battle followed that probably not too many missionaries face: to buy another camera or not?

I already have a small point-and-shoot, but it's mostly used for its waterproof qualities. And honestly, I'm not going on a mission to take pictures. But I couldn't just completely give up the want to take professional photos (because a point-and-shoot camera isn't up to par.). I couldn't shove my talent under the bed for 18 months, and I didn't want to feel regretful on my mission (it's hard to shake the thought of a lost photographic opportunity). So there I was, wrangling with the idea back and forth until I finally made a decision to buy one. And boy, I like it.

You might not think this decision is even notable, but it took an inhuman amount of time to decide. IT'S A BIG DEAL, OKAY??!


Family Day

Interesting things always happen on Thanksgiving.

I've previously mentioned spending the bulk of Thanksgiving in the ER, but when I woke up this morning I remembered something that happened a few years back.

I don't remember how old I was, but I'm leaning towards my senior year of high school. I was woken up by my phone and I noticed it was a number I didn't recognize. Instead of just letting it go to voicemail like I usually do, I actually answered it (shocking, right?). The gist of the conversation went as follows, because frankly, I can't remember the exact dialogue:

Older man: "Well Happy Thanksgiving!"

Me: *uhhhhhh?* "Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. Who is this?"

Older man, chuckling: "Aw come on! You know who it is." No, I didn't. I tried asking again in a different way, but he was so convinced that I was joking with him that I felt bad telling him I wasn't the right person.

Me, chuckling: "Oh hey! Sorry, you sounded different!" 

Older man: *laughs* "So what've you and the family done so far today?"

Me: "Oh, nothing much, we're just waiting to eat some food."

Older man: *laughs* "Well aren't we all?" At this point, from what I remember, he proceeded to tell me about "the family" and how he's already called the rest of my "siblings" and he briefly let me know how they were doing. I'm pretty sure he asked if I had called them yet, in which I responded,

"No, not yet. I've been busy getting dinner ready." I also think I said something about "the kids" playing outside. 

Older man: "Well I'm glad to hear the kids are doing well! Have a happy Thanksgiving and I hope I can see you guys soon. Love you!"

Me: "Love you too!"

It was by far the most entertaining phone call I've ever received. Now before you think I'm a horrible person for letting this cheery old man (who I assume is my "father" or "father-in-law") think he contacted all of his kids that day, think about this: they had to have figured out eventually that he didn't call the right person, in which they probably laughed really hard about it. Either that or his kids thought he was crazy and put him in a home. JUST KIDDING. 

I didn't know the old man, but he was so happy. Happy. And he wanted to share his happiness and gratefulness with his family, and I felt that love through that phone call. It was awesome.

I'm glad for this Thanksgiving. It's the last holiday I have with my family before I leave, and what better a holiday than today?

Plus, my siblings and I have tackled the Black Friday lines together on-and-off throughout the years, which is both terrifying and exciting. It's when humanity is at its worst, which for some reason amuses me. I do love Black Friday.


Last Time in Logan For a While

Before I say anything, please look at these. I think I actually wet myself.

TItled "Future Nobel Peace Prize Winner."

And my favorite...

I went up to Logan to hang out with friends, some of which I won't be seeing for about 19 months.
Basically what I concluded is that I am extremely blessed to have great friends and roommates since I first moved to Logan.

Tara (aka Taraji). She's a ginger. Bread connoisseur. 

Melanie. The future Food Network star.

Jared (aka Turtle O'Pheikens). "We're his friends?"

Sara (aka Crawford). "FBI! LOWER YOUR WEAPONS!"

Jenna (aka Jenna Fiesta). See picture below.

Katy (aka Effin' Pennsylvania). Inventor of the word "skitch."

Shelly. The wannabe nudist/Asian.

(You guys should be thankful I didn't use any other pictures. So many unflattering faces...)

Since Katy's from Pennsylvania and she's going home for Christmas break, I won't see her until I get back. So I've included some very-flattering and not-weird pictures from today.

It's supposed to be Yoga.

And my favorite:
It gets creepier the longer you stare...

If you don't remember, Katy and I are both left-handed insomniacs, we own the same straightener, we're Pirates-lovers and picky eaters (except she's way worse) and soon we'll have Pennsylvania in common.

Watch this. Shelly showed it to me.


Intro to Nov.

I really don't know why this song is called "Six Weeks," but I know it's been stuck in my head this past week. And oh, what a coincidence! Because my farewell is six weeks from today. I expect everyone to show up with an opulent present.*

I don't have much to say, so I'll dance instead:


That was probably the worst dance ever.

I'm totally doing No-Shave November. Oh yeah. I've done it before, and I'm doing it again.
But in reality, it's not any different from what I already do. If you know me, you know that I usually only shave every 1.5-2 weeks because I see no point other than to please the masses. (Come on! Who's looking at my legs? And what's the point in the fall/winter? THERE IS NO REASON. Sweater tights for the win!)

Tomorrow is Guy Fawkes day. So go watch V for Vendetta and make yourself and eggy in a basket. Since I first watched it, I've celebrated the 5th of November every year. And if you've never seen the movie, here's an awesome speech from it... in kinetic typography!

*May or may not be joking.