

Liz and her fiance, Daniel

On the Bombora. It's as "good" as The Bat.

The moment of lift off. 

Julia: "I'm a race car driver... vrroooom!"
Me impersonating Julia: "I'm a race car driver... vrroommm!"
This is what happens when I lend my camera out to my

My sister, her fiance, and his kids.
Best. Picture. EVER.

Rattlesnake Rapids.

I think I can see her stomach from this angle...

On the Colossus. 

[my] Harry Potter, Part 2

The other day I realized how bad of a blogger I've become. Harry Potter was almost two weeks ago, and yet I only managed to write half of what I wanted to say. Tsk tsk, I fail.

Part 2: Growing Up With Harry Potter

If you're a Harry Potter fan around my age, you know that the last movie installment in the Harry Potter series means more than just the closing of a series. It was a physical symbol of the end of our childhood.

I first read the book at either the end of 3rd grade or the beginning of 4th, and I hated it. Near the end of 4th grade, I gave it another go. I remember eating the book up; unable to stop myself from turning page after page after page. I also remember having to put the book down to set the table when I reached the chapter titled "Quidditch." I read the second book soon after, and then the third. When 5th grade rolled around, the first movie came out. I don't know how I ended up seeing it, my parents probably thought I'd be interested and decided to take me. But I do remember a few things from seeing the first movie:

  • Even at my young tender age of 10, I knew that the actor who played Snape was awesome. I didn't know his name, but I remember being incredibly intrigued by him. Now it's warped into a full-scale Alan Rickman obsession.
  • I thought Draco Malfoy was attractive. Draco has since become one of my favorite characters, and I still think Tom Felton is attractive.
  • I discovered that Dumbledore was old and that Professor McGonagall was a woman (Back story: I am a crappy reader. I thought Dumbledore was a  young headmaster with crescent moon spectacles and that it was Professor McGonall. I really am a crummy reader.)
  • I remember coming home and feeling something that cinema rarely makes me feel- indescribable. I was excited, obsessed, and I fell in love with the Harry Potter series even more.
I showed up at midnight at Wal Mart with Marley to buy The Order of the Phoenix the summer after 6th grade. We tried to stay up and read it, but it didn't work. Once again, as a crummy reader, I reached the end of the book and didn't understand a thing that happened. I had to wait a while and reread it. It has since become my second-favorite book in the series.
The Half-Blood Prince came out when I was on the Trek, so I had to wait a week to read it. I reached the end of the chapter in which Dumbledore dies and thought I had imagined what I read. I flipped back to the beginning of the chapter and read it again. When I finished that chapter again, I could barely see through my puffy eyes. 
The fourth movie came out soon after, and it was the first movie I went to opening day (although not to a midnight showing). I counted down the days on a whiteboard in my room, right next to a bowling score I was proud of at the time. 
Two years passed when the seventh book finally came. After waiting for a few hours in Wal Mart, I got home and went straight to bed. I awoke early in the morning and read, read, read. It took me 17 hours to read, and I was in tears. I sobbed when Hedwig died. When Moody died. When Dobby died. When everyone died. The worst one for me was Fred. I had to put the book down and calm myself enough before I could start reading again. 

With only midnight showings and no more books, my Harry Potter world was perpetuated for a few more years until The Deathly Hallows Part 2 came along a few weeks ago. One of the reasons I cried in the movie was because I hit a moment of realization that my childhood was over. It was as if Ron, Hermione, Harry and I had grown up together without actually being together. Their progression, both as characters and actors, reflected my childhood, adolescence, and transition into adulthood. We were pubescent together, we were awkward together, we dealt with crushes and emotions together, and we battled evils together. They even had the terrible shaggy hair in the Goblet of Fire when it was popular at my school. I know Daniel, Rupert, and Emma don't know me, but I know them and I'm glad that they've immortalized my growing up into film. And I'm even more glad that JK Rowling will forever have captured a decade of my life in her magical writings. 

Harry Potter was never just a craze; it is the defining story of my generation. The generation that was taught to value friendship, honesty, bravery and loyalty amidst all the evil and darkness in the world. A generation that was taught that you must believe in yourself, and most of all, that love will always conquer in the end. So as I say good-bye to the ultimate symbol of my childhood, I welcome in the rest of my life and all the adventures that are to come. Thanks Jo, for giving me a magical decade that will always be the highlight of my childhood. 

"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" ~Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


My Favorite Characters

Ronald Weasley

#1 Reason I love This Character: He's a ginger.
Ron has always been one of my favorite characters. First of all, everything that can go wrong in Ron's life will go wrong. I think I like him because so many unfortunate things happen to him. His wand breaks (which leads to a slew of problems, including vomiting up slugs), his pet rat is actually a killer in disguise, his owl is deranged and pathetic, he crashes his family's car into a tree, he breaks his ankle, his favorite Quidditch hero dates the girl he likes, he is forced to wear terrible second-hand dance robes, he is attacked by a tentacled brain in the Department of Mysteries, he accidentally ingests a strong love potion and later gets poisoned, he gets splinched, his brother gets killed, etc. No matter what happens, Ron always stays loyal in the end. But I can't lie, I love him because he's a ginger.
"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow,
Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."

Draco Malfoy

#1 Reason I Love This Character: His overall pathetic-ness. 
The whole Malfoy family falls under the same personality type: arrogant and showy, but quite pathetic under the surface. Malfoy is showy, boastful and threatens Harry, but when it comes down to the wire, he really wimps out or cripples under the pressure. I feel bad for Draco, really, but I find his character fascinating. As obnoxious and irritating as he is towards Harry, he redeems himself through moments such as when Harry is trapped in Malfoy Manor and Draco knows it's Harry but tells Bellatrix that he's not sure. And my favorite moment in The Deathly Hallows Part 2 was when they're in the Room of Requirement, and after acting like a tough guy, he finds himself in tears when he's about to fall in a cursed fire. Draco, you have my pity.
"My father will hear about this!"

Neville Longbottom

#1 Reason I Love This Character: He kicks ass
For those of you who haven't seen the last movie, you haven't gotten the full effect of Neville. We started off knowing Neville as a dweeby, chubby little kid whose only academic strength was Herbology. As his character progresses, he becomes more noble, proud of his family, brave and more sure of himself. Often used as a comic relief, Neville Also has incredibly touching moments which really make you admire him. In the last movie, you can't help but clap when he slices Nagini's head clean off. Go Neville! 
"I feel like I can spit fire!"

Severus Snape

#1 Reason I Love This Character: ALAN RICKMAN.
Actually, there's more to Snape than just Alan Rickman, but we all know that I am way too obsessed with Alan. Snape is the character that in the end, we all hate to love. Throughout 6 1/2 books, we all loathed Snape for his extreme dislike and cruelty towards Harry. I know I hated him even more after he killed Dumbledore in the Half-Blood Prince. But somehow, after over six years of cruelty to Harry, Snape redeems himself and proves to be one of the most powerful wizards of all time. Snape is one of, if not the most complex characters in the Harry Potter series. The slow revelation of who he truly is and what his motives are is touching and heart-wrenching. After everything is said and done, his character is the most intriguing and shocking. And not to mention, he is portrayed by none other than Alan Rickman. I believe this to be one of the most perfect casting choices of all time. 
"Look... at... me."


[my] Harry Potter, Part 1

 In lieu of the final Harry Potter installment, I will now commence to write about the two different aspects of Harry Potter I experienced this weekend. I present to you:

Part 1: Sarah Singsing and the Final Midnight Movie

{First off, I must warn you that these pictures are semi-low quality. The camera I brought doesn't fare well in the dark, so yeah. Also, I didn't even think about checking the lens (silly me), so it was dirty for about half of my pictures.}

I've been waiting for this Harry Potter to come out for a while now; almost 10 years, in a way. Last year when I heard the finalized date for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2; I was super-de-duper excited.  Last week, all I could think of was Harry Potter. I could barely focus on work I was so excited, and since none of my coworkers are Potterheads, I had to keep it bottled inside. Although I would randomly slip and start blabbering about how excited I was. I even asked my boss, "is it stupid to ask for Friday off because of Harry Potter?" 
"You know, four other people have asked me that exact question today." Silence.  "No, it's not stupid. You can have Friday off."
When Thursday ever-so-slowly rolled around, I couldn't contain myself. I wore my potion necklaces to work and under my scrubs I donned a "Butterbeer" shirt.  They even asked us to work overtime, and I said no because I had to get my hair done (a little much? I think not!).

My sister did my hair while we watched Deathly Hallows, Part 1. Mary dressed as Narcissa Malfoy, Julia as Bellatrix Lestrange, and I as Dolores Umbridge. Observe:
My critically-acclaimed costume* was horribly fabulous, I must say. Except I forgot to wash the clothes, so they kind of smelled like old woman/DI.  
*may not have actually been critically-acclaimed

Tess dressed up as Luna Lovegood from the Slytherin vs. Gryffindor Quidditch match in The Half-Blood Prince. She papier-mâchéd a lion head, painted, and decorated it herself. Everyone wanted a picture of her. (We actually went to a Harry Potter party Wednesday night and she won the costume contest. She won a goblet of "fire," aka a goblet filled with Red Hots). She even had spectrespecs. Observe:
On the way to the theater, we found out we had an extra ticket. Instead of selling it, Mary invited one of her friends last-minute.

I honestly had a fabulous time waiting in line. We were only there 3 hours early (only!), but we took the time to go look at others' costumes. There was a guy dressed as Gilderoy Lockhart handing out signed pictures of himself and calling everyone "his loyal fans."
The best one I saw was an older woman dressed as Professor McGonagall. I know my pictures don't do her justice, but her costume was amazing! She had the hat, the brooch, the fitted robes... it was perfect. I actually went up to talk to her and a bunch of people came up and wanted our picture. Okay, now I'm just being vain.

The theater folk gave these to people
with awesome costumes.

As 12:01 grew nearer and nearer, I became more excited. They finally let us into the theater, and we managed to secure seats for everyone in our group. Lockhart was in our theater and stood up in front of everyone and started talking about how good-looking he was and handed out more autographs. I nearly died of laughter.

Umbridge, Lockhart, and Narcissa

A Death Eater jumped out
and scared Julia while I
took the picture.

When the movie started, there were cheers. The crowd in our theater was dynamic- they laughed, cheered, clapped and cried at all the right parts. When the movie became sad or Sirius serious, everyone was dead silent. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say I probably could've heard a pin drop. At the end of the movie when the credits rolled, I wanted to see it again. RIGHT AT THAT VERY MOMENT.

The movie itself was fabulous- I've loved the way David Yates has directed his share of the Potter movies, from The Order of the Phoenix to The Deathly Hallows, Part 2. And Steve Kloves did his best job adapting the screenplay since The Chamber of Secrets and Deathly Hallows, Part 1. My favorite element was that when the movie was at its most serious, it was still able to relieve the sadness and darkness with bits of humor. JK Rowling really has a gift for that, as seen in every one of her books.

And even though I have a severe case of Rickmania, I'm not kidding when I say Alan Rickman did a fabulous job. Absolutely phenomenal.
I don't cry in movies, folks, but Snape made me cry. His death and memories were my emotional breaking point- everything after that made me cry; the scene with Dumbledore, when Harry sends his kids off on the Hogwarts express, and especially all the others' deaths.
So for me to cry in a movie means one of three things:

  1. The movie is entitled Bridge to Terabithia
  2. I am pregnant and extremely hormonal
  3. Alan Rickman's acting was fantastic, phenomenal, splendid, etc.
I'm pretty sure it's number 3 this time around. I feel like he should get a nomination for Best Supporting Actor.

Maggie Smith (McGonagall) and Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort) even had their own golden acting moments (each also had their own comical moments, surprisingly). My favorite line of Maggie's was "I've always wanted to use that spell!" and giddily smiling into her shoulder. Ralph Fiennes's great moments include a super awkward hug between him and Draco, and him shoving Bellatrix out of the way.

After all was said and done, I could've nearly cried the next morning when I truly realized that there are going to be no more Harry Potter movies. The excitement of waiting in line for another midnight premiere isn't going to happen, not to see our favorite witches and wizards, at least.
So thus ends a fabulous era of Hollywood entertainment. Ten years where Hollywood had great story development, great characters, and even good morals to create some perfectly golden movies. So at the end of this era, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 was by far the greatest adaptation in the Harry Potter film franchise.

We found Waldo.

My post-Harry Potter Umbridge bedhead. 

Felix Felicis and Veritaserum


4th of July: Monday

I'll make this quick.
We tried to grill.
We ate yummy food.
We watched the fireworks.
I had a spider on my shoulder.
(Now I can get to blogging about Harry Potter!)

The best mug ever. "Be Mime."

Vegan burgers with cheese and bacon. We though it was
quite ironic.

What's more American than a cowboy hat, coke and sitting
in the bed of a truck with your loved one?