
The Year of No Fear

So, let's just jump into this, shall we?
On Tuesday I went to the dentist, which in itself wasn't exactly the funnest thing, but it was neat because the dental assistant and the dentist were both asking us questions about religion. The dentist had actually read an article the previous day written by a Jewish man about how the Jewish community should follow the pattern of Mormon missionaries. He even gave us the article to take a look at. It was fun because we got to answer questions about the church and talk to them about why we (missionaries) do what we do.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful until we went to dinner at the Clay's house. We had a super delicious dinner and played a couple games with the family (Uno Blast and Headbanz, anyone??). We ate so much that when we got back to our apartment, we could barely spare enough room for a Martinelli's toast. But we did it.
I swear more things are closed on New Year's day than on Christmas. I can't remember if it's like that in Utah, but it was like a deserted wasteland on Wednesday. However, we were lucky enough to start the New Year at the Mass's house for breakfast and we had a great dinner at Sister Foulk's house. Both wonderful families-- I couldn't ask for any better way to start the new year.
Thursday we had a really great lesson with two investigators. They're older, Episcopalian, they love the Bible, and they're super great. We've been trying to help them see that the Bible and the Book of Mormon complement each other and they they go hand-in-hand. Sister Wright then invited them to be baptized... four times. They ended up saying no for the time being, but they committed to praying about the Book of Mormon and baptism.
On Thursday a snowstorm came in, and our leaders asked us to cancel all appointments after 6:00 because of the storm. I thought it was a wee bit dramatic, but I'm grateful because it got pretty icy. The next day there was a "State of Emergency" because of extreme low temperatures. We were still out working, and everyone thought we were crazy. I mean, it was crazy cold all around with the humidity, ice, and low temperatures.
However, on Friday night we had an amazing appointment with a less active/part member family. It started off with us talking about spiritual goals, but then quickly turned into a wonderful lesson. The Spirit was so strong, and I could tell that every person was touched by it. One of the family members told us as we were leaving that it was exactly what he needed. The guy who isn't a member even asked us how one goes about being a member of the Church after we told him and his girlfriend that they could be sealed together next year to their baby. Then we asked outright if we could just start teaching him officially, and he said yes.  It was an absolutely amazing lesson, and the whole way home I barely said anything because it was so incredible.

I am so excited for this new year. I am excited for the new possibilities and changes that the Lord has planned. Our new theme for the mission in 2014 is this:
2014: The Year of No Fear

In Doctrine & Covenants it says:
"Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not." (D&C 6:36)
Don't fear. Have faith.
Sister Singleton

PS... I forgot to mention... LOGAN BLESSED THE SACRAMENT ON SUNDAY. With his dad! It was awesome.

Betcha never thought of Jersey like this.

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