
The Beginning of Photo II

Hello. Long time, no speak.

I just ate a sandwich faster than I care to admit. I even ate a banana in my hunger rampage.

I ran/walked 2 miles today. This is an accomplishment considering I haven't exercised since last spring semester. Except now my legs are all like, "We're angry and achy," and I'm like, "pssh, get over it" and they're like "NO!"

Since art classes are usually afternoon/evening classes, I've only had one so far today (plus institute, but whatever). That class was Photo II. We discussed the syllabus and discussed the required materials (DSLR, light meter, 4x5 film holders, focusing cloth, cable release, film, gloves, anti-static brush, storage sheets and binder, 3 kinds of photo paper, portfolio box, film changing tent, etc), which meant that everyone in the class went into panic mode over the cost of materials, I included. But no matter the cost, the feeling and certainty I get from being in a photo class is enough to mask the worry. [Side note-- there were three other photo students on the bus ride home and we figured the cost of the class was about $2,000. So if you complain about the cost of your books to me, I will SHUT YOU DOWN.] 

Ever seen one of these cameras? They're called a 4 x 5 camera and we're using them this semester:

And these are what hold the film:

And I finally get to learn how to use my Christmas present:

Which is used sometimes like this:

Anyway, all I could think of in class was "it really is happening," in reference to me waiting 20 years to start formal photography training. Last semester's beginning in the art program was the hardest and most challenging semester so far, but I wanted it so much that I loved it. Three-hour photo classes feel so brief when compared to a 50-minute chemistry class. And although it may be stressful and very trial-and-error based, shooting, developing, and printing feel like natural instincts to me.

The moral of the story: I'm just glad I love my major.

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