
Let's Get a Physical, Physical

*sigh of relief*

I just realized that I was gone from 8:45 am until 12:10 am unintentionally. After work today I had to get a physical because, well, look at this:

Yeah, I'm almost done with my papers.

I checked into the Doctor's office when I had the good idea to look through all the medical papers I printed off. It seemed kind of odd that there was no place for the doctor to sign, then a thought crept into my mind:  I missed something. It turns out that I forgot the section of papers that was most important. I had a mini internal panic attack. Maybe it wasn't so internal, because the receptionist saw my distress and eventually led me to the back room and let me log in to print them off.

Next I went to the lab. They took my blood. They asked for a urine sample, in which I regretted my decision to go to the bathroom 30 minutes prior. I'm not overly fond of urine samples.

My nurse was really cool. Her name is Kim, and she had bright purple nails to match her scrubs. She gave me an injection to test for tuberculosis and checked my hearing and sight. Later on I got a tetanus shot, which is starting to affect my motor skills. By the way, I have excellent blood pressure.

Even though the last time I saw this particular doctor was when he snapped my broken arm back in place when I was eight, I still think he's super awesome. He's Japanese-American and for some reason that makes him more trustworthy to me. Talking with him confirmed that my insomnia is going to be the biggest challenge on my mission. Oh the joy, right?

Now as I understand, a gal's physical is much less... intense than a guy's physical (as long as we're talking no pap smear/mammogram). Well I'm not a guy, but it wasn't so bad. The potentially most awkward part was when I got a breast exam, but I didn't feel weird. Except it was almost ticklish. Because I know you're all dying to know that. However, the doctor did find a lump and I'm going in for an ultrasound on Thursday. Normally they tell you it's not a big deal and that it happens to a lot of people (including my brother), but since my family tree is riddled with breast cancer, it isn't to be ignored. When I called my mom, I could almost hear her nerves unravel.

The rest of the day I spent in celebration of Petey's birthday (and International Left-Handed Day-- I had to throw that in). 'Twas fabulous. Also, I ate at Macaroni Grill for the first time and we had an attractive waiter.

Well, I have to work in the morning. G'night!

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