
Week 4 (in the field)

Well hello!
I'm super glad we went into Philly last week and not today, because it's cold and foggy today. Philly was pa-retty sweet. The feel of the city is so different from anywhere else I've ever been, and there's so much more to see! We bought shirts at the coolest T-shirt shop in the world (I do not lie), and when we walked in, one of the workers said, "Evan, the Mormons are here!" Needless to say, a lot of missionaries buy shirts there.
The best moment from this past week was from an investigator who we had taught the Stop Smoking Program the previous week. We were a little worried about her conviction to quite smoking, but I had faith she could do it. We could barely make it through the door when she excitedly told us that she hadn't smoked once. I was so proud of her, I gave her two hugs! She's been smoking for over 40 years, and we're so excited that she's quit!
Another moment was when we were trying to teach an investigator more about faith and prayer. He really likes the Book of Mormon, but he doesn't have a testimony or a witness that it is true. We brought along Sister Neu, who is a seminary teacher, and she ended up basically teaching the whole lesson. I could feel the Spirit as she testified and taught him about the Book of Mormon, and at the end of the lesson, he picked up the Book and said, "How could this not be true?!" Now he needs to receive that witness for himself.
We can't rely on others to build our testimonies, we need to know for ourselves. So if there's something that we don't know, we should "ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." (Moroni 10:4-5)
I feel like I should let you know the fun side of things as well:
  • If we're ever running/hurrying somewhere, we often sing the Indiana Jones "Dun dun dun da, dun da da!" theme song.
  • Sister Guymon (who we love!) gave me a cute little blow up penguin beach ball which I creatively named in 'Penguina.'
  • We went to an Alice in Wonderland themed birthday party for a member's daughter last week at the church. It was exciting because we got free food and there were teacups everywhere (which I love).
I love all of you, and I want to thank you for being such a great support. Keep praying for and telling me about your miracles!
Sister Singleton
Yes, This is New Jersey
Bruce Willis ate at Jim's Steaks

Philly Steak!

At Jim's Steaks.

and a cool historic building

A street in Broomall.

Ignore how ridiculous I look...
Elder Barker and Elder Bennett at the Liberty Bell.

Liberty Bell 

an outside of Independence Hall.

Colorful Philly!

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