
I wore jeans.

Dear Peoples,

So, first off the bat I have some exciting (?) news. They officially changed a mission rule and now we're allowed to email familyand friends (including other missionaries). So no excuses for not emailing me. 

Well, this week was pretty awesome. The weather was mostly nice (minus one day where it randomly snowed then disappeared), and we were able to help an investigator move, which, I'm not going to lie, was a great reason to wear jeans. But mostly it was fun to help her out and do something we don't normally get to do.

The highlight of the week was when we were out tracting a street yesterday. When we walked up to the last house on the street, there were a bunch of kids in the window laughing and staring out at us. The mom invited us in and we were able to teach her, her four kids, and two nephews about the Restoration of the Gospel. The kids were super cute and asked us a bunch of questions, and we're meeting again with them next week! It was such a wonderful blessing and miracle. 

Well, I'm not quite sure what to write. Oh! We had Zone Conference last Tuesday. We met up at the church building in Philly and were able to learn more about how to help our investigators, specifically with repentance. Repentance usually has a negative connotation, like, "Oh, I have to repent now. Well this sucks." But it's not! It's a gift our Heavenly Father has given us so that we can be happy and relieved from those bad feelings. Sin already has consequences, and repentance takes away the pain and sorrow and makes us whole again. So remember, repentance is an awesome gift we're given.

On a random side note, we didn't know about the time change until late Saturday evening. Uncool, uncool.

Sister Singleton

Game piece park. Monopoly piece.

Monopoly piece again.

Philly pictures. We're at game piece park in the Monopoly piece.

The giant dominoes.

Monopoly piece.

Love park.

I ran up the Rocky steps. I thought Tyler would be excited.

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