
OH MY GOODNESS, HEAT. There was a heat wave from Thursday to Sunday, and I have NEVER BEEN HOTTER IN MY LIFE. I can't even begin to describe how gross I felt. Luckily I get to wear a skirt, whereas Elders have to wear pants.
So much happened this week. On Wednesday we went up to Lehighton for Golden Retraining. It was so fun! I realize now that I never mentioned when I went to Golden Retraining as an actual Golden. Whoops. But anyway, it's a meeting for trainers and their goldens by President Schaefermeyer and the Assistants. We get together, learn by the Spirit, get pumped, and watch a really awesome Elder Holland talk. This golden retraining was unusual-- there were more Sisters than Elders. But that's going to be a lot more common now.
Right after Golden Retraining, I went on an exchange with Sister Lindsay. Sister Lindsay is a training sister, which is basically the equivalent of an Assistant to the President, but for Sisters. Make sense? Everyone getting this? So we went on exchange, and it was short but fun.  Because we had to be to Zone Training the next morning by 8:30, we met up at a gas station as a halfway point at 7:30 am. We drove to zone training and totally got there WAY early, at 8:10. I have no idea where my calculations went wrong, but it was pretty funny.
In Zone Training we learned about how to get the ward members involved in missionary work. Remember that it's our responsibility as members to share the gospel always, not just when we're on a mission. That's part of the promise we made when we were baptized into His church. Something I learned was that whenver someone gets baptized, they are asked how they found the church. Almost every single person who is baptized has a friend introduce them to the Church. Isn't that amazing?! We all know someone who we need to share the gospel with. And if you don't think you know anyone, pray to find a date on which you can have someone taught by the missionaries in your home. I promise that if you do that, the Lord will provide you more opportunities to share the gospel.
Saturday the Zone Leaders came into our area for a couple of hours in the morning. While they were out, Sister Hall and I went around with her violin to play for people. IT WAS SO HOT. We were only out for 40 minutes before we almost melted into a puddle of flesh. And surprisingly, most people said no to a song on the violin. But, the last house we tried we saw a girl washing her car and asked to share a song with her. Her mom was nearby and said yes and invited the husband to listen. Sister Hall played a song and I shared a message, and they were so intrigued and wanted to hear more so we set a return appointment. It was a miracle!
And last, but not least, Sister Hall and I taught Gospel Principles yesterday. When class started it was just us two and Sister Beers. Eventually the Elders and Sister Katie Burgio came in, but it was fun to teach.
In Relief Society we talked about prayer and how we can make it more meaningful. I know we all struggle with prayer at times, and the best suggestion I heard was to picture you and Heavenly Father in a setting that would be familiar to you. For example, if you love camping, picture Him and you talking around a campfire. Or for me, I imagine us talking while developing pictures. Or hiking. But it makes it meaningful and personal, and you'll notice that it will naturally turn into a conversation instead of just a "voice mail" you leave for Him. Because that's what prayer is-- it's a conversation. A great talk is in this month's Ensign, I suggest everyone reads it. (http://www.lds.org/ensign/2013/06/improving-your-personal-prayers?lang=eng)
I love you all!
Sister Singleton

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