
Member Missionaries & "The Harvest"

Hey Yous,
I hope you all had a great Labor Day! This week felt so much different than the rest of the transfer. It's been somewhat of a rough transfer, but after we started teaching Tracey on Monday, things feel a lot different.
Nothing big happened this week since Monday, but we've been able to see lots of miracles and tender mercies! A less active woman told us that after she prayed and read the Book of Mormon for the first time in a while, she immediately got a phone call for a job interview (she has been looking for a job for a while now)! When she was telling us what had happened, I knew that the Lord had blessed her with a miracle. I was so happy!
Sunday was a super awesome day. It wasn't super out of the ordinary, but it was just amazing and full of the Spirit! First off, I said the opening prayer (wahoo?), and Sister Maybury gave a talk on keeping the sabbath day holy. Sister Bryce also gave a fabulous talk on member missionary work, and it really was SUPER good. Here are some highlights:
"To not be scared is the biggest step in missionary work."
(On opportunities to share the gospel in everyday life) "The man at the toll booth said, 'Have a blessed day.' We drove off and my friend turned to me and said, 'See-- that was the perfect opportunity to share the gospel! I would've given him a pass-along card.' When things like that happen, we should say, 'You think it's a beautiful day? Just wait until you read the Book of Mormon and get more blessings in your life!"
"A lot of times people don't know [things about the Mormons], and that's party our fault. [We need to tell them]."
"We can make every excuse-- how we were too scared, or out of our comfort zone-- but in the end, it's all on us [to share the gospel."
I'll let you think about those awesome quotes, because they really stuck out to me.
We taught Sunday school, and our topic was on "service." It was pretty neat. But the third hour was really unusual-- we did something called "The Harvest." Some of you might know what it is, but I had never done it prior to Sunday. Basically what it is is looking at all the unknown names on the ward list (the people that noone knew) and we set out in companionships to go find out if they still lived there, and if they did, we were to invite them back to church. So we had maybe a dozen or so companionships leave during church to "rescue the lost." I went with Sister Sandoval to find a couple apartments in Allentown, and it was super fun. One miracle we saw from "the Harvest" was a woman that Brother Stofko had gotten a hold of. She was moving out of Allentown into Whitehall, and she would've been gone in less than a week. If we wouldn't have had "the Harvest," we would've lost track of her completely because she didn't have a phone. Isn't that a miracle??
Well, I love all of you guys. Please, please, please look for missionary opportunities to serve: whether it's sharing the gospel, visiting a less active member, or reaching out to those you don't even know. Missionaries cannot work without the members, and members just can't do it without the missionaries. We need your help!
Love you!
Sister Singleton

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