
Farewell, Medford!

You probably have all heard from my mother already, but I found out on Friday that I am leaving Medford. All week I was super nervous for transfer calls, because I had no idea what was going to happen. I usually don't get nervous for transfer calls, but oh boy, I was like... breaking into random sweats and stuff, haha. I am super sad to be leaving Medford though-- it really is such a special place and it has the best people ever! In church on Sunday I looked around and realized that it would be my last Sunday as a missionary in Medford, which made it hard not to cry. I so wanted to have a fourth transfer here, but alas, the Lord has called me elsewhere.
On Tuesday we had the Relief Society activity, which was super great. It was "A Night With the Savior," and we talked about how we can grow closer to Jesus Christ. They left us with an interesting activity to do over the next three months: every week you have one scripture passage to study, and you read that passage every day during that week and write down your thoughts and impressions. Then at the end of the three months, you look back at what you learned about yourself. I was so excited about the idea, and I know it's Tuesday already, but this week's scripture is:
Helaman 5:12
I will send you the scripture each week, and I want each of you to do this activity with me. As you do it, you'll be able to find out more what the Savior sees in you.
On Friday we had the most interesting experience with a less active member, Brother Laws. We visit him every week because he's home bound and he loves visits from "the Elders" (he continues to refer to us at Elders). Brother Rankins came so that he and Brother Laws could bless the sacrament. Well, Brother Rankins broke and blessed the bread, and then Brother Laws gave the prayer on the water. He had been drinking alka seltzer from a cup to his right, and the sacrament water was to his left. So when he finished saying the prayer, he picked up the alka seltzer water to drink it. Brother Rankins picked up the sacrament water and held out the glass: "No, no! This one--" Brother Laws looked at the glass, clinked the glass and said, "Cheers!"
Now, for those of you who don't understand, the sacrament is a sacred thing. So when that happened, we were all so shocked that we just sat there in silence. Then we tried not to laugh as Brother Rankins simply said, "No, it's this glass..." and convinced him to just drink out of the non-alka seltzer water. Oh boy, was it chaotic!

Yesterday we had the opportunity to go to Philly yet again. We went because Sister Meeks is going home today, so it was the last time I got to see her on the mission. Sister Wright and I got there much earlier than expected, so we wandered around and saw the Liberty Bell then went to Reading Station Terminal. So for those of you who don't know what the Reading Terminal is-- it's awesome. You know that part inNational Treasure when she's running away from the bad guys in the market place and hides behind a meat counter? Yep. That's Reading Terminal.  And it's just as if not more choatic than in the movie, haha.
We walked in and there were a bafrillion people and a bazillion shops in a small space. But I loved it! They had everything from crepes to cajun to ice cream to sea food. But we met up with Sister Meeks and Sister Gottfredson there, and it was so wonderful to be able to see her! It was a year ago that I was companions with her, and being with her felt like we were still companions. I'm so grateful that I had her as a trainer!
Well, next week I'll be somewhere new.

Sister Singleton

PS. I forgot my card reader, so I can't send pictures this week. Sorry!

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