
A Friend of the Program for 4 (or 5) years

Another reason that BYU is really missing out on life...

They won't let X96 Radio From Hell do a live show on campus.
It's not like they really wanted to go anyways, they just asked BYU to appear as if they cared.

But for real....
x96 Radio From Hell! Live on campus! Yes, this happened last Monday to kick off their Univeristy Tour, and yes, I'm slow to blog about it.
But that doesn't make it any less awesome.

I've been listening to this radio show for almost 4-5 years (I can never quite figure it out), and I love it to death. I listened to them as I got ready in the morning and drove to high school. Sadly, the reception in Logan isn't very good, so I have to stream them online when I want to hear their lovely voices. But it's totally worth it.
I love the show.

They have some fantastic segments, including:
  • "Boner of the Day" (Boner means mistake) - Bad, stupid or funny human behavior.
  • "Jake of the Web with Time Wasters at Work"- This is basically just a bunch of random websites that suck you in.
  • "Things That Must Go"- This consists of a list of actions, objects or ANYTHING that the world would be better would out.
  • "Celebutard News"- Celebrity news. They don't really care that much, so they just hate on celebrities.
  • "Ask A ____" - This feature involves Kerry, Bill and Gina and everyone else asking a profession about their job. (Example: Ask a garbageman, as a Mayor, ask... anyone)
  • "Big Boy News and Oppinuendo"- Local, national and all sorts of news. Plus the opinions of listeners and what not.
  • "Hello, Yeah, What?" - You call and ask or say anything. But this is not stupid.
This list doesn't do the show justice.
Nope, not at all.

But honestly, you should listen to this show. It's hilarious. But maybe you shouldn't if you're really sensitive or you get offended easily or something.

Kerry, Bill, and Gina.

[[You're the best]]

This is Gina and Bill. Bill is my favorite of the three, mostly because he's funny, sarcastic and he adds so much to the show.
Gina gets picked on a lot, but her comments are always funny and loved. Plus, she's gorgeous.

On the left is Kerry, who does all the sound drops and background music during Radio From Hell. He and my uncle were friends in high school and college, and he still owes my uncle $10. I told Kerry that, and he gave me $3 and an I.O.U. note to give to my uncle.

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