

"Hey, how are you?"
"Good. How about you?"
"Well see ya later!"

So boring.
Such a boring conversation.

And good? Good? What does good even mean?
Good = "I stayed up until 3:00 am writing a stupid physics paper and I had to wake up at 6:30 am."
Good = "My cat died."
Good = "I don't really want to talk to you, so I'll give you a vague, meaningless answer as to how I am."
Good = "This day is actually going quite well, but my personal religion doesn't believe in using synonyms of any kind, so I'll just keep it simple and say good."
Good = "You're awkward and I have to keep this conversation as short as possible before I go nuts."
Good = "I have explosive diarrhea."

Blah. The word "good" sucks. Please don't use it.

A year or so ago I told myself that I when someone asked me how I was doing, I wouldn't answer "good." I was going to actually answer the question, or if not, I would just use a better word.

Here are some common substitutions that I use instead of "good:"
  • Fantastic
  • Spiffy
  • Excellent
  • Swell
  • Spiffy
  • Groovy
  • Rad
  • Spectacular
  • Nifty
  • Tired
(I learned to say groovy, rad and swell from my Dad)

I went on dictionary.com and looked up synonyms for the word "good." Here are just a few...

Acceptable, admirable, bad, congenial, exceptional, first-class, gnarly, great, marvelous, prime, rad, shipshape, splendid, sterling, stupendous, super, superb, superior, tip-top, and wonderful.

Now don't ever use the word "good" again.

So... how are you?


Jessica Grosland said...

Spiffy is on your list twice. Do you use it twice as often?

And I use the word "good" on purpose, sometimes. It's like saying, "You don't get to know how I'm feeling, so I'm blocking you out with the brick wall 'good.' How do you like THEM apples."

Sarah Jane said...

I didn't see that... I guess I really like the word spiffy and I didn't even know it.

Haha, that is also another common use of good. That is somewhat what I meant by the "not wanting to talk to someone" good. But I like your description better.

Taylor said...

Haha. I admit that I fall victim to this frequently. But usually I say "great", is that acceptable? :)