
I'm a big girl now

Ugh. Hello.

I have hit another bout of insomnia, and I don't quite know if I have slept or not the last few days. I'm going to go with.... not much. I remember having a brief dream with Zac Efron and the cast of Glee having superpowers and eventually Zac Efron (as Fin from Glee) got jealous of Mercedes and killed her, thus forcing him to go into hiding. I was the only one who could protect him so we went into hiding all while eating a Thai salad (whatever that is...).

Anyways, sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I'm lazy. There really is no other excuse.

I have come to tell you about my job. I technically work for a temp agency, but I got a job for the entirety of the summer at Nu Skin, assuming I don't get fired. But I came here to say that I'm a big girl now, and I worked my first full-time job today! Yep, a full eight hours, folks (okay, okay, technically I worked yesterday, but it wasn't full-time). Eight hours of labeling and shrink-wrapping bottles and chapstick. It's actually really nice to have a job that doesn't involve a phone. I finally have a job that I can work and talk at the same time, which is just lovely for me.

Well, that's about it. Oh! I always hear Boots (the local mother feral cat) meowing outside my room for her kittens to come. Always. That includes say, 5:00 am? 3:00 am? All night? Yeah.

Sorry this blog is crummy.

OH! I almost forgot!
I'm going and seeing the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie tonight! I'm such a huge Pirates fan, so it will be excellent! The only downside is that I didn't sleep last night and I work tomorrow morning, so that'll be fun. I wish I could dress up, but I don't have a costume and I will not go with some half-assed attempt at dressing up. Nope, I will not.  I'll let you know how the movie is, okay? K. K? K.

1 comment:

Arlene said...

You make me smile.