
Eight Months

Guess what, yous guys? I have been out for exactly eight months. Crazy, right? It feels like time just went all FWWUUUMMPP and crumpled itself all weird. It feels like so long ago I got on my mission, but that it's gone by so fast.

I think one highlight from this week was when we took our (only) investigator on a church tour. She's been really wanting to go, but isn't able to at this point. She said that as she walked in the door, she felt "extremely happy" and didn't know why. She loved seeing the building, and when we showed her the baptismal font, she was super excited and said she really wanted to see a baptism! The whole experience was just very uplifting for all of us, and it was a testimony to me that the church really is a special place where you can feel the Spirit.
This week we spent a LOT of time trying to find new investigators, but to no avail. It was a challenging week, and mostly a mental battle to keep going and trying to find those that the Lord has prepared. Luckily Sister Maybury and I have a lot of fun together, so it definitely helped. Yesterday Bishop Smith made a comment about how summertime is always difficult for missionaries because people are very transient because of vacations and what not. His comment was definitely a relief to me, because it made me realize that I wasn't like, cursing the area or something, haha.

The best miracle this week was when we had a less active member come to church for the first time in years! We've been seeing her a lot the past two transfers (12 weeks) and she was finally able to come to church. Earlier in the week I had been pondering and praying how in the world we could help her out, and when we met with her on Friday it was definitely an answer to my prayers. The Spirit softened her heart and she opened up and we were able to help address some concerns. But we invited her to church and she said she would come. And she did! It was definitely a miracle!

Also, we taught youth Sunday school yesterday, and it just reminded me how hard it is to teach a group of 13-18 year olds. Haha, they all kind of just stared at us or folded their papers into paper airplanes. But it was still fun to teach them, I just hope they got something out of it...

I love you guys! Thanks for your emails, especially the ones with all the miracles you've seen!

Sister Sarah Singleton
PS There's a mouse in our Relief Society room. All the better reason to get a church cat.
Picture: A door we knocked on.

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