
My Missionary Commission

Dear People,
So I must start off by mentioning that today was the first snow of the season! It's definitely getting much colder out here, but at least it's still pretty for now. 
This week we tried stopping by a lot of potentials (people that were possibly interested in the past) and former investigators. We did a lot of that each day, but weren't able to talk to too many people, unfortunately. One night we stopped by every person on our list and then some and we still had an unexpected hour and didn't know what to do. Since it gets dark super early people aren't as willing to talk to us, so we've been trying to find a more useful thing to do in the evening hours. We're still working on a finding a solution, haha. 
On Wednesday, President Corbitt came to our Zone Training and spoke to us. It was really great because he talked a lot about working with members and helping the ward achieve their goals. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but missionary work is all but impossible without the help of members. We simply can't do it on our own, and the ward can't do missionary work on their own. Thus, we have to work together.
One great moment about Zone Training was when we all went into the room with the baptismal font and prayed together for each others' investigators. Afterwards we had a really powerful testimony meeting, in which I was grateful to bear my testimony. 
This transfer we've been memorizing Bruce R. McConkie's "My Missionary Commission," and I wanted to share it with you, because I love it so much:

"I am called of God.
My authority is above that of kings of the earth.
By revelation I have been selected as a personal representative of the Lord Jesus Christ.
He is my master and He has chosen me to represent Him-- to stand in His place, to say and do what He Himself would say and do if He personally were ministering to the very people to whom He has sent me.
My voice is His voice, and my acts are His acts; my doctrine is His doctrine.
My Commission is to do what He wants done; To say what He wants said; to be a living modern witness in word and in deed of the divinity of his great and marvelous Latter-day work.
How great is my calling!"

How great is my calling! It's very humbling to know that you have been called of God to preach His gospel. My favorite line is "He is my master," because He truly is. Everything we do should be because we love the Lord and we want to serve Him. I invite all of you to refer to the Missionary Commission frequently and to really ponder on what it means to you. 
One great story to finish off the week (well, technically it happened yesterday, but whatever...):
Sister Wright and I went into Philly for the day, and when we were headed back we were trying to find a place to get a cheesesteak (of course). We found a new place and were waiting inside for our food when a guy came in asking if the place did Veteran's discounts, and they didn't. He was leaving and I asked across the restaurant what branch of the military he was in. So we started talking to him and when he found out we were Mormons he mentioned the temple that was being built. So naturally, we started talking about the temple! We gave him a card with the Philadelphia temple picture on it and ended up talking to him for over 20 minutes. He was super awesome, and he had so many questions. He thanked us for sharing it with him, and I was grateful that we were able to. My favorite quote from him was when we were talking about temple sealings (when we're married in the temple for eternity). 
"Wait, what did you call that again?"
"Sealing. It's like being bound together forever."
"Oh... that's so romantic." 
It was a fabulous "missionary  moment," and after that a woman sitting next to us commented about something and we were able to talk to her about the Philly temple, too! How awesome!
I love all of you guys, and I'm grateful for your support and prayers. 

Sister Singleton

LOVE park... with a Christmas tree!

 Parts of the temple are rising above the ground!!!

The George Washington monument.

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