
In Reading, there's trash everywhere.

Happy St. Patrick's day, everyone! I tried to wear a form of green today, but then I realized my skirt is more bluish than green. Luckily the magnet on the back of my name tag is green. 

On Wednesday we went to the youth's mutual night, which was centered all on missionary work. They had six different stations, which included making Ramen, sewing a button on a shirt, ironing, sorting laundry, the role play station, and one I can't remember. But us and the Elders were in charge of the role play station, in which we helped the youth practice door approaches and also extending a baptismal invitation. It was fun because there were some really great moments from the youth, and it was great to see them learning all about missionary work. And guess what the snack was at the end? Ramen.

So, what else happened this week? Well, it was Zone Training! It was actually a huge help and blessing for me, because the past couple weeks I've been struggling with planning. For those of you who don't know, every night we plan for the next day's activities and every Thursday we plan for the entire upcoming week. Lately I haven't been so thrilled about planning, and so when we showed up to Zone Training, guess what the whole meeting was about? Yep. It was a spiritual rebuke for me. But it helped a lot. One thing that put planning into perspective was when Elder Lozano talked about how much planning went into each of our lives (hence the Plan of Salvation). Imagine if Heavenly Father didn't plan for each of us specifically and individually. I don't want to imagine that! I'm grateful that Heavenly Father took the time to plan who He wants me to become and what I need to do to become that way. And not only did He plan for me, he planned for a billion frillion other people, too. How amazing! It makes planning for one area seem like not such a big task after all.

Each week we have a zone focus, which is something the Zone Leaders want everyone in the zone to reach. Well, our goal was to have each companionship reach 4/8 of their goals. On Friday, things were looking dismal. Pretty much all of our numbers were zero because our investigators cancelled appointments or were out of town. We had no idea how we were going to do it. We got a text from the zone leaders saying that we were the only ones who weren't going to make it. It was almost a crushing blow, because I felt like it wasn't our fault we weren't reaching our goals. But then both Sister Suckow and I were determined to reach the zone focus. On Saturday things still were looking bad, and all we had left was Sunday

Well, Sunday had one awesome miracle packed into it. A woman showed up to sacrament meeting and after church, she asked us to teach her. She has been wanting to meet with missionaries for a while, but wasn't sure which set was supposed to teach her (there's a couple different ones). She's dating a member, and he wasn't sure either. Well, we were able to set up an appointment with her, and when we went to give her a mormon.org card, she just said, "Oh, I read through that WHOLE website already!" We were stunned! When we asked if she had a Book of Mormon, she said she would like a copy and a copy of the Bible as well. We rushed out to the car to grab her one, and as we ran outside we both yelled, "MIRACLE!" We're meeting with her this week, and I'm so excited!

As far as everything else goes, I'm doing great! The weather keeps going cold to warm to cold, but it's all good! 

Love you!
Sister Singleton

PS. As far as my subject line goes... it's true. Every time the wind blows, a new piece of trash appears. Haha.

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