
Update 1

Just a quick update from New Zealand:

The group I'm in is called Kuaka, whose main purpose is to restore the environment in New Zealand to its proper state. What I first thought was, "what? New Zealand has environment problems? Weird." After getting knee-deep in the invasive blackberry thorns, covered in mud, and sore legs from walking all day, I now know that New Zealand really does have a lot of problems. There are these animals called Possums (not oppossum) that have invaded and are killing the endangered Kiwi Bird. There are a myriad of other animals that are invasive and very destructive, but I don't have my notes with me now.
One thing I didn't know was that there are only 2 mammals natural to New Zealand- one went extinct and the other is a bat that walks more than flies. Everything else is birds. Birds, birds, birds, birds, birds. It's amazing how many different kinds of birds they have. Also, they don't really have spiders, and they most definitely don't have snakes or anything like that. They said that the only thing that will kill you here is the bush (or the forest) itself.

The winter here is the mildest, most lovely winter in the world. I can go outside in just a t-shirt and jeans in the daytime and I'm just fine. The nights get a little chilly, but nothing a thermal and two pant layers can't handle.
The place I'm staying in is Aongatete Lodge (On-Guh-Tea-Tea), which is basically a cabin-like deal with six rooms, each with four bunk beds. It's not heated at all, so a need for a warm mummy bag is high. There is a common room where we eat, play cards and have discussions. There is also a place to play volleyball, and it's pretty dang cold in there at night.

The trip is a blast- I only really have one complaint. The people I'm with don't really have the same view on life as I do. They talk about drinking, sex, and drugs almost constantly. I've heard the f-bomb dropped more than any other place I've been to, and I've just heard... too much. I love the program, the country, the work, and the culture, but the people can be too much to handle. I miss church and being around people who understand the things I do. It's not compromising, it's just frustrating.
Actually, right now about 90% of the group is out drinking. Most of them were drunk at dinner, and they have gallons of liquor to go. I actually just got some beer spilled on me, but that was my fault. I knocked over a Norwegian's beer (he's not in our group) and it splashed on me.

Well, I'll be back again another day!
I'll have loads of fun, okay?


Jessica Grosland said...

Okay, so I didn't actually know you were going to New Zealand! What the heck?!

But that's totally awesome! I'm excited for you. How long are you going to be there? Don't get drunk. Remember there are still a million Mormons in Utah staying home on Friday night!

Sarah Jane said...

Yes, I am in New Zealand. I am sorry I didn't mention this fact, I didn't want to feel braggy about it.

Oh, there were a total of 6 of us who stayed behind that night, it was all good. But beer smells funny, by the way.