
I don't like...

I don't like the idea that I can never reach under my bed with my bare hands. I must have a shoe and a yard stick in hand.

I don't like having random dreams about people I don't particularly like/care about.

I don't like stubbing the toe I permanently damaged a few years ago, because I know it will only cause further damage.

I don't like going home from work early for the first time ever because I couldn't get through the 2-hour-long deathly illness that befell me quite randomly.

I don't like the idea of waking up at 8:00 am tomorrow to drive to Logan. I probably won't, anyway.

I don't like the thought of unpacking and trying to organize hoards of my stuff into a shelfless/low-storage apartment room (but hey, living there's worth it because I have my own bathroom!).

I do like how blessed I am to get an education. For real.

Happy school year!


Kelsey said...

I don't like you.

Just kidding, I do.

School is great. I'm a little sad that I'll be missing out on two semesters of traditional American college life. It's okay, though, because I've taken enough summer classes to make up for it.

Jessica Grosland said...

Ah, the delightful pain of returning to school. I'm glad I'll be postponing that for another four months. :)

Good luck to you, though. I'd shout "Go Aggies!" but I'm a BYU cougar and I think cheering for other schools is against the Honor Code.