
the Sunday post strikes again!

This week feels like it lasted a month.

I went tubing on the Provo River on Monday, my first time ever. It started off quite poorly-- they told me to just sit on my tube and go, so I did. After about 10 feet I flipped over and began to clamor for my tube as the current dragged me along the shallow water as my legs took a pounding from every single rock along the bank. I finally stood up and saw Heather heading toward me. I couldn't really move without falling again, so I just stood there until she ran into me and flipped off her tube. A combination of the initially cold water and more people heading toward me finally got me back into my tube. After that it was pretty smooth sailing. The canyon was surprisingly gorgeous to watch while floating, and I even got to lay back for a while and hum to myself.

As for the rest of the week, I basically did the same thing every day. Go to work, come home, watch Netflix, meander around my house, study scriptures, sleep. Except on Thursday my dad got a call from Salt Lake and was informed that Ambien is not a Church-approved medicine. So thus begun my search for an adequate over-the-counter sleeping medicine (I shall have you know that ZzzQuil takes forever to kick in). I was irritated; not with the Church for their lack of approval, but with my stupid brain and its inability to shut down. Sometimes I wish I could pull my brain out of my skull and punch it in the face. Matt made a prophetic comment a while ago that my insomnia is going to be one of the biggest challenges on a mission. And as far as I can tell, it is.

I also got sick on Thursday, but it wasn't that bad.

Friday was odd. Before seeing Newsies in the park, I had a shocking and unexpected personal conversation with a friend. It's impossible to explain, as much as I'd like to, but I was never too good at explaining emotions. Back on the Newsies topic, I love New York. You'll never hear the end of how much I love New York. Especially the City.

My brother and parents went to Roosters in Ogden (a restaurant, for those of you who don't know) and I tagged along because I never got my birthday dinner back in July. Lo and behold, when we were being seated I heard my name being called by the fabulous... Jenna Fiesta. So Jenna, if you're reading this (which you better be), it was good to see you, haha. I'm sorry we couldn't talk more, but I'll see you this weekend. (Logan trip-- holla!)

I'd like to bring you back once again to my mission call. I've only asked a few people where they think I'm going, because the rest shout "BOISE!" and later that night I sob into my pillow (before NOT falling asleep). But I'll tell you my personal guess, because Salt Lake has already decided my fate and what I say won't change it now, mwhaha:
Stateside. Where? I don't know, but more in the eastern direction. Oh, how I'd love the New York, New York mission, but I feel I could serve well anywhere in the east. If I actually go foreign, I agree with Chris's guess of Southern Europe, Scandinavia (my dad served in Norway), or my personal guess of Hungary. I told Kyle that I'll to go to Croatia so I can force him to actually speak Croatian.

So, if you want to guess, here's your chance.


taraya said...

Oo oo! Guesses! Well, I guess I'd actually agree with you on the eastern shore of this fine country. It does seem to suit you. That might be because you introduced me to 30 Rock, which apparently I now see as one of your identifiers.
Out of country...I shall throw out a guess of the Philippines! Cause, I dunno, that'd be cool? I could see that happening. Or Canada! Yep, Canada.
Sigh. I miss being your pretend roommate.

Sarah Jane said...

Ooh, how I love Liz Lemon. I started up 30 Rock again the other day because it's been too long.

Also, my friend Dave went to the Philippines. Oh Canadians... how I love to make fun of them. But not you, Taraji.

I'm not even sure where you live, Tara. I feel like I should actually be seeing you because, you know, I live down here now.

Anonymous said...

I saw YOU at Rooster's! Also, I would like to put in a guess or two.

Washington (state).

I've never guessed on somebody's mission destination, you should feel flattered. I ate Norwegian cheese last night; maybe that will be the deciding factor for you.