


I shall start off my letter by letting everyone know that on Friday I lost our cell phone. We were tracting a street and as we got back in the car to go to an appointment, we realized the phone was gone. We searched the car and retraced our steps (literally-- it was snowing pretty good here) for about half an hour, but we couldn't find it anywhere. We decided to stop by our appointment, an awesome family that I hadn't met before. I was pretty stressed about the phone, but they had a pet bird and a cat that I was able to play with a little bit that made me feel better. It's amazing how Heavenly Father can bless us with even the smallest things to show that he loves us. Holding the bird and petting the cat made me feel so much better, for which I was grateful. 
We went back to the street we were tracting, and lo and behold, we found our phone. It was right where I had gotten out of the car, and you could see that I had checked it a dozen times. But the miracle of this week wasn't finding the phone, it was the fact that because we lost it, we found a new investigator. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Speaking of birds, earlier this week we stopped by a member's store: Birds Exotic. Sister Meeks is slightly afraid of birds, so she held the little tiny cute one while I had a blast playing with all the Macaws, Cockatoos, and more. There was a giant blue Macaw that was the cutest thing ever, and I just wanted to hold it all day. One grumpy old bird tried to bite me though, and I screamed really loud when I tried to pet it. 'Twas quite entertaining.

Another great miracle this week is that we were able to teach Meagan the Plan of Salvation and commit her to baptism. When we asked her if she would be baptized, her response was, "I've been thinking about being baptized for a while." Of course she said yes! Meagan is awesome, she really has a desire to move her life in a better direction and to follow Jesus Christ. She came to church and sat with us yesterday, too.

The members out here are fabulous. They're all so willing to help each other and us missionaries out, and they're all such good examples to me. I love the Moorestown ward! Everyone here has helped to build my faith in one way or another, for which I am incredibly grateful. Sister Minarik even fed us dinner last night and we ate penguin-shaped cake. I was super thrilled.

Of course I've learned a lot this week, but the biggest thing that stuck out to me was the ability to be selfless and have charity. The way we can serve others most effectively is to be charitable. Not just have charity, but to be charitable. My personal goal this week is to forget myself and to genuinely love and serve those around me. I challenge everyone to try and become like Christ and be more charitable.

Sister Singleton

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