
Week 2-- Happy New Year!

So, I totally didn't know it was December 31st until about 9:00 pm last night. The MTC doesn't do anything for the new year, so needless to say it was pretty tame. But this past week definitely wasn't.

This past week was definitely one of highs and lows. Me and Sister Vande Merwe were really struggling on how to feel the Spirit and to teach with the Spirit. We were doing everything we could to invite the Spirit in, but it just wasn't happening. Both of us got the impression yesterday that maybe it was because we didn't have enough faith. I realized that I didn't have a lot of faith in myself and I didn't have a lot of faith that the Spirit would come if needed. So instead of being frustrated about not being able to teach, I've been able to find something to focus on a grow.

Last week was a tough one. The other sisters and myself felt so discouraged at why we just weren't feeling the Spirit. It was so disheartening, because like I said just barely, we were doing everything we could to feel the Spirit. One night we taught a real investigator, and when my companion and I were teaching it was a disaster. We lost control and had no focus, and it was incredibly tough. We walked away from the lesson crying, not sure what had gone so wrong. Sister Vande Merwe and Sister Fengel both had the same problem, and as we were about to leave the class for the night, Elder Lee and Elder Franson came in. Elder Lee bore his testimony and began to talk about the Spirit. It was the first time in a few days I was able to feel it, and it immediately brought a flood of tears to Sister Vande Merwe and I. Elder Lee was an instrument in the Lord's hands and an answer to our frustrations. When the rest of the district came in, our District Leader had us all sit down and talk everything out. We, as a district, realized that we were so focused on others that we had forgotten ourselves. I know what you're thinking: "But Sister Singleton, isn't a mission supposed to be selfless?" Well yes it is! However, we had been starving ourselves spiritually to provide for those who we were teaching. I can't remember who said it, but we must be our first converts. Conversion is a lifelong process, and we must work on bringing ourselves unto Christ before we can help anyone else.

I learned a lot of great things this week, but what it all boils down to is the Spirit. Without the Spirit, everything else we learn is useless. We must always be doing everything in our power to feel the Spirit, which involves diligently studying the scriptures, praying with real intent, keeping the commandments, being humble, charitable, meek, and coming unto Christ with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. When we do this, the Lord will use us where he wills. 

So, last week I got a calling as Ward Music Coordinator. Basically I just pick the hymns and pick on poor souls to conduct the songs. I'm also in charge of the music in our district, so I get to choose which songs we sing. I've told Elder Tarry that if he complains about one of my songs again, I'll make him sing a solo of "As Sisters in Zion." Sister Huni left today! She's been in the MTC since the middle of October, and she's finally headed out to the Marshall Islands. She is the happiest, most wonderful person I've ever met, and I'm so happy she's able to go out and teach! The Elders going to Tonga sang her a variety of goodbye songs (she's from Tonga), and they were just beautiful. 

Sister Fengel got really sick last week. The doctor office here isn't open until tomorrow, so she's had to wait it out for a few days. We thought it was strep at first, but we don't think it is anymore. It was crazy on Sunday because my companion is the new Coordinating Sister, so I was supposed to be in a trio while my companion went to meetings. However, since they had to stay in the room due to her illness, a bunch of confusing exchanges were made so that we could all eat dinner. I had to go to dinner with Elder Lee and Elder Franson, they had to bring me to the room, and then they took Sister Vande Merwe later. It was confusing and bizarre, but Sister Fengel seems to be doing a little better.

In Preach My Gospel it says that the Book of Mormon, along with the Spirit, can be the most powerful tool in conversion. So I ask you this: is it the most powerful tool in your conversion? I challenge you to read and search the Book of Mormon more, and to gain a stronger testimony of it's truthfulness. And please, please go watch Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's "Safety for the Soul." It made me cry.

I love you all, and I thank you for all your letters and packages.

Oh yeah, and some of you asked about the MTC food. Elder Lee put it best: "It feels like I'm trapped in a Chuck-a-Rama. Like, if I was locked inside, this is how I'd feel."

Sister Singleton

Elder Scott photobombing our picture...

Our New Years celbration

Elder Scott about to drop Elder Turner.

Double tags!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This was a great post Sarah. very inspiring. thank you!!!