
Gardening & Cats

Hello family... and springtime!

It's been super wonderful outside lately. I did hear there was snow in Utah though. But not out here. Huzzah!

This week was quite a wonderful week. On Monday we got a call from Sister Anderson (our mission President's wife). Now you see, she doesn't just missionaries out of the blue, so we were really surprised. Well, she actually called to tell us something about the #BecauseofHim blitz. President and Sister Anderson were at a Mission President's Seminar in DC over the weekend, and they had Elder L. Tom Perry and the head of the Church Media Department there (along with others, of course). Well, the head of the Media Department pulled up five random things online that best represented #BecauseofHim. And guess what?? They picked one of my photos! Sister Anderson told us that when they saw that it was Sister Suckow and I they pretty much flipped out. Haha! When she told me and Sister Suckow this, we immediately high-fived and went nuts. It was neat because of all the things they could've pulled from the internet, they pulled something from my page that was definitely inspired. The credit all goes to the Lord! 

We finished up teaching Roselie and Octavia (her daughter). We went over the baptismal interview questions and it was a riot! I don't think I've ever laughed so hard when I've asked someone the questions, haha. They are so prepared and so enthusiastic about the gospel, it's amazing. They're set to be baptized on the 10th of May, and I'm so stoked for that!

The ward started their welfare garden this week, and we were able to go help that get started. The turnout was kind of low because it got moved from Friday to Saturday because of the rain. But we helped drive in stakes, measure out rows, and string up posts (for the peas). We even had roasted marshmallows at the end. The garden is a really cool idea that was started last year. There's a member who has 10 acres of land and decided to give 1 acre up to the Church to use. They started a welfare garden for anyone in the community so that anyone who is in need of food can have some. This year they're planning on teaching people how to can, cook, and more. It's a really wonderful missionary opportunity, plus it's great to roll up our sleeves and garden with the ward members. Not to mention I really love gardening.

Our Relief Society President drove out to Utah for a couple weeks and asked us to take care of her cats while she was gone. Of course I said yes! Well, we were supposed to check on them every couple of days, but I had the impression to stop by yesterday after church, even though we weren't going to go until Monday. Well, the cats had no water, no wet food, and no dry food. The poor little things were meowing like crazy and the crazy cat lady inside me just picked them up and held them. So of course we over-loaded their food and made sure they were taken care of. You see, the Lord takes care of us and His animals.

Sister Singleton

Oh and PS, Saturday was National Pretzel Day. So we got awesome free East Coast pretzels. It was fantastic!

Sometimes this is what Pennsylvania looks like :) 

Planting seeds with that machine-y thing that looks like a bike. 

Elder Goates driving in stakes. 

Sister Suckow, Sister Bodden (our mini missionary), and me on Easter. 

We made #BecauseofHim shirts this Wednesday. It was awesome! 

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