
Mixed Media

I have a final project in drawing due soon, and I was just Googling pictures for some inspiration.  I was enjoying the photography and mixed media pictures, so I'm here to share a few.

Any ideas to help me decide on a final project? I could always just do an excellent charcoal sketch of Alan Rickman...

Unknown Artist (I think it's titled "Geraldine Fairspot")
I love this. The picture itself is intriguing, but
with the digital media added, it adds so much
more! My favorite part is the dripping web
on her hand.

Alberto Seveso
I really like the texture and the emptiness around the
outside of the picture. 

Adam Dedman (I think)
This one, well I just thought it was cool. My criticism
is that she should've had her hair blowing in the direction
of the paint so it could flow more.


E said...

This is so cool! Dang, how would you choose? The first one is probably my favorite...but you could probably do something cool with the last image concept...Be sure to post the finished product! :)

Sarah Jane said...

That would be awesome. But I'm actually staying away from the digital media this time around. Hopefully for a project in the future. I just really like some of the digital mixed media out there.

Jessica Grosland said...

I think you really should do an awesome charcoal sketch of Alan Rickman. And then you should give it to me. :)

Good luck with your project.