
random phone vomit

I don't know about you, but I take pictures on my phone quite often. So when I upload them to my computer, I always say to myself, "Gee, you should do a post about them pictures from yer mobile device." (because in my head I talk like that)
In the essence of not wanting to bore all of you to death, I excluded most pictures of myself, food, babies, all pictures of call centers and my pending art projects. The food category was especially abundant in the amount of pictures. Be grateful, y'all (oops, my mind speak slipped out).

So, in absolutely no discernible order, here are a bunch of phone pics.

Extreme egg hunting this
year for our dorm.

Best cereal ever! I grew up
on it and Jenna rediscovered
it and bought me a box.
So great.

I was at a review session when I saw
this on the chair in front of me. I don't
know if someone in a previous class
tried to cheat on a test or what. 

C# is a very difficult type
of computer programming.
I saw this massive book
when Borders went out of
business and thought of my

Can you guess which one is mine?

O chem lab this semester- extraction of
caffeine from Coca Cola. 

My sister got this lovely
sticker from a "Play 'til You
Win" machine at Spanish 8
theaters. What child would
want this?!

2010 Black Friday shopping. This is
almost midnight at Wal Mart.


My dorm stairs this year.

When I walk to Old Main, I
always pass this tree and think
of V for Vendetta. Mmm yes.

Terrible movie.
Not worth the dollar I paid
to see it.

2010's Relay for Life at USU

Spring break 2010 to Zions.
The can opener my dad lent
me was a little dull...

Once again spring break 2010. Mel
wasn't exactly paying attention to
her speedometer.

Do you see a running theme
here? I like unicorns. This
is a wallet I really should've

Mel's rendition of King's Cake for
Mardi Gras 2010.

Just a staircase in the TSC.

I don't remember.

This is what happens when
we give Mel shower paints.

Mel got a pickle in a bag for
her birthday. What a lovely,
terrible-tasting present.

Oh Jeff, Jeff. He fell asleep at a hockey

Best name for a cleaning product EVER.

Every time you say "Guess what?" to
my dad, he responds with "Bananas
are green!" I found these ridiculously
green bananas and laughed.

Art exhibit at BYU a few years ago.

Petey and I attempted to make lemon
squares, but I totally forgot the sugar.
They were terrible, not to mention

General Conference in sign language
at Matt's house. 'Nuff said.

This is the fridge I want when
I grow up.

When the price of gas was over $4/gallon
and Matt had to fill up his truck.

A ginormous bag of Mike and Ikes
that took forever for us to get rid of.
Shelly's unicorn pillow pet. I am

This is me today.


Kelsey said...

I have several things I want to say.
1. I want shower paints
2. I wish you had bought that wallet. for me.
3. I love in teh name of the king and v for vendetta
4. my mom uses C# and C++
5. I'll have to try King Vitaman
6. that's all.

taraya said...

Your cement hands picture - "can you guess which one is mine?"
Ahh ha ha ha. Audible laughter.
I'm glad your inner voice is a hick.
I'm glad Melanie's pickle in a a bag made it on here.
I'm glad you supressed your red head stalkation and didn't put up any of the thousands of pictures that I'm sure you've creeped of me and your other red headed friends over the years.
Well done, Singleton. Well done.
*slow applause that speeds up and is joined by lots of other people like in cheesy drama movies*

Sarah Jane said...

Taraji- I am glad you literally laughed out loud. My inner voice IS a hick, not to mention it can't form sentences proper.
Also, I should've listed that I was excluding pictures of you, because they really are abundant (creeeeeepy). I almost snorted my drink when reading your clapping comment.

Kelsey- your mom is really smart. Also, King Vitaman is so lovely.

Kelsey said...

taraya, i am one of the redheaded friends who has been a victim of sarah's stalking. let's bond.

taraya said...

Agreed. Bond officially formed. Red-headed stalkees united!