

Their mode of transportation.
"Steve Holt!"

Arrested Development.
Watch this show. It only has three seasons because it was cancelled prematurely. How sad, because this show is brilliant. I'm obsessed.

My favorite character is a tie between GOB (pronounced like "Job," or "Jobe") and Tobias. So, these guys:

Gob- Aspiring magician (and a terrible one at that), sarcastic, competitive, and kind of stupid. He rides around on a Segway.
Tobias- Former analyst and therapist ["the world's first analrapist!" (pronounced "uhn-al-ruh-pist")], now an aspiring actor (a really terrible one). He also tries repeatedly to get a gig with the Blue Man Group.

I can't describe how funny this show really is. You just have to watch it.  There are so many levels of humor. Dry, punny, sarcastic, random, adult, and my favorite, situational humor. Jenna calls it the original Office, and that the world just wasn't ready for the show (which is sad, because The Office is on it's 8th season, and it's the same kind of humor. But Arrested Development is better).

Watch the show. Then we'll talk.

This is a compilation of the "chicken" scenes throughout the seasons.


Kelsey said...

I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Hey, brother...." "And THAT is why you ALWAYS. LEAVE. A NOTE."
"I'm a monster!!!"

It's the best. Love it. love. love. looooovee.

Kelsey said...

Okay, more. How about just when they get in Mexican gang fights because of the chicken calls? "There's money in the banana stand." "Who's Anne?" I just love it. I wish I could watch it with you because I think that would make it like 50 times funnier.

Sarah Jane said...

I really like the religious tapes George Sr. makes in prison. Also when he gets stuck in the walls when he's trying to escape the house. I love Buster. Gob's my favorite. Ahhh.

Kelsey said...

DEAL. I'm completely serious. I love everyone in it. I should have watched it with you when I first watched it. The summer after senior year. It was a good time in my life. Since then I've found fellow lovers of this show and we've bonded over it. Have you met Rita yet? She's great.