
Two things


...and Alan.

(This is for you, Petey)


Kelsey said...


I like the videos, too.

Sarah Jane said...

Kelsey B, I got rid of my Facebook for an unknown amount of time. Probably a month or something. I would say I'm terribly sorry, but I'm not.

Kelsey said...

How am I going to tell you stupid things? Boo. Is your email still meltedtwisterf5? I think I will pollute your inbox. Facebook is dumb. I miss people calling me KGB, Kelsey Barker, Kelsey B, Keesy Baker, Klelsley Blarkler, Kelsey Braker, Korgy Borker, and the other ones that I can't remember. And receiving texts that only say "calling all Kelsey Barkers!" Oh, and getting at least one butt call a day from you. Instead I am Kayelsee (occasionally Kelzee) Bahkah. When people ask my name I'm embarrassed because I can't even pretend like it's a German name, so I have to resort to my Southern twang to say it. This isn't really a blog comment any more. It's kind of like a love letter to you. Loooooove. Sometimes when I sneeze I say "exSQUEEZE me!" he. he. Today when I was walking home Hymn L'amitie came on and I listened to the whole thing. Sometimes I think we're friends. Loooooove. Let's eat food when I come back.

La la la la la la la la la la la la la l'amitie c'est la plus beau pays,


P.S. Remember when you wrote me notes in high school? Those were the best. Why don't people write notes in college any more? Write me a plethora of notes, please, and then I will give you my address and you can send it as a love package. Don't forget to write my name in highlighter and outline it with pen.

Sarah Jane said...

I think I just cried a little. I think my favorite name for you was Korgy Borker. It's so ugly.
I said exSQUEEZE me the other day. It was embarrassing. Yes, that is still my email. So go ahead and pollute it, because I am living without a Facebook for a while (how tragic!).

Those notes... oh man. I forgot about the highlighter. I would always take your pen and use it because I didn't have an inky pen.

Jessica Pettersson said...

You got off of facebook? Ugh. Fine.
Thank you for the video. It is fabulous. I love Alan. and you.