
Frugal/Not Frugal

Frugal: Refusing to pay over $7 for a shirt.
Not frugal: Paying full price for a limited-time-only graphic tee.
Frugal: Patching up all the holes in my jeans.
Not frugal: Getting the schmancy jean thread that cost more than the plain blue thread.
Frugal: Scraping the mold off my raspberries to salvage them for a salad.
Not frugal: Not bothering to pick the moldy grapes out of the bag, but instead throwing the rest away.
Frugal: Figuring out the one type of cheese that I can't cook without and buying the smallest, cheapest block of that (mozzarella, if you're curious).
Not frugal: Buying a small tub of mascarpone.
Frugal: Cutting my Ambien into quarters instead of halves.
Not frugal: Needing Ambien. 
Frugal: Instead of throwing away the dried-out bread, toasting it and using it for my daily PB&J.
Not frugal: The Sara Lee low calorie bread.
Frugal: Putting food in plastic shopping bags instead of shelling out the money for Ziplocs.
Not frugal: That 100% recycled aluminum foil I purchased (grilled vegetables, anyone?).
Frugal: Getting black ankle boots for free.
Not frugal: Revamping them with black fringe.
Frugal: Waiting until DownEast Basics sells clothes for basically nothing on the quad so I can finally own a shirt that doesn't have holes in it.
Not frugal: None.

Today I win.

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