

I get it, I get it: we're all back in school. Well, not all of us, but school's started and some of us are in it.
So here I am in the second week of the third year of my college education. I've still got another (minimum) of three years left, so it's not too special. There is an advantage though: by the time it's truly my last year, I will have no problem registering for classes because I'll have a million credits. Yippee!

A have a few classes. They go something like this:
M/W: Photography I, Institute, Family Finance
T/R: English 2010, 2D Design, Art History: Prehistoric to Medieval
F: Family Finance

You don't care. I know this because I don't really care about other's schedules. I just want to tell you that Tuesdays and Thursdays are killer. I write/draw/sketch so much that by the end of Art History, I curse the invention of written language. As much as I dread the tests and papers in Art History, the most confuddling class I have is.....
2D Design!

The problem with this class is that I have learned nothing so far. I have had to turn in my sketchbook twice, both times requiring 5 hours' worth of work. Even though that sent me into panic-induced fits of self-doubt and a sinking feeling of overall crappiness, my teacher wants each of us to apply the class to our field of study. So, er... hmm.
Uhhhh *creaking noises*

The other photography major in the class had issues as well. When I went to talk to the teacher to maybe get a grasp on what exactly he wanted from a photo major, he told me to draw the emotion of a photo with lines. He drew an example of a previous student's work. This:
"The three lines represent unity and society and the line on the left represents loneliness and being separated and lost from society."


Okay folks, I may be an art student, but I'm not hokey. For all we know, the drawing was supposed to be this:

Wolverine grilling a steak. 
Yes. That's supposed to be Wolverine. I blame my inability to draw with computers on the elementary school teachers that wouldn't let me use my left hand for the mouse. 
That's beside the point. Sometimes I just don't like the ridiculously hokey-bajokey stuff that gets thrown out there. 

I'll let you know how this class goes. 

1 comment:

Tairsa said...

Haha, dear sarah, welcome to the world of modern art. They give you something and tell you it's art and your grade depends on you agreeing with them. This sure made me smile.

PS, I am one of the unfortunate (yes I said unfortunate) souls who is not in school right now and I am SO jealous! Have so much fun!