
Cast Away Island (and a village visit)

I'm feeling lazy at the moment (at every moment, really), so yeah. I'll just say this:
One of the days in Fiji we took a trip to an island and visited the local village leaders and a school. I was sweating through my sarong like there was no tomorrow, but at least it was an excellent experience, right?

We had this thing where we put flowers in our hair. I liked the idea, so I joined in, of course!
Don't we look fabulous?
I hate walking in sand.
Okay, so when we visited the kids at school, they went insane. I felt bad for the teachers.
One of these kids hit me with a stick.
I don't exactly know what his official title is called, but this kid was the equivalent of a Prefect in Harry Potter

I just love how the ocean looks in this picture
This dog died from the heat.
Not really, but it was so hot outside that I felt like that's what should have happened.
The boat couldn't come up to the shore, so we had to wade into the delightful water and wait for it to pick us up.

After the village/school visit, we went to another island that some of you might know as Cast Away island! If you've ever seen the movie Cast Away, it's the island Tom Hanks is stuck on. If you haven't seen Cast Away,  Tom Hanks is stuck on an island.
The actual name of the island is Mondriki Island, and no, I did not find Wilson.
I wish.

The spray from the boat's wake soaked one side of the boat.
She was the only one to stay sitting there.
This... this is Mondriki Island! We snorkeled our way over to the island if we wanted to, and then we either walked around, sun bathed, or snorkeled some more.

So beautiful!
Oh yeah... this was on my birthday :)

(I don't mean to sound smug, I don't. 

  • Sunset in Fiji

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